12 Fascinating Clownfish Facts And Information For Kids (2024)


Provoke a thirst for knowledge in children by sharing informative facts about clownfish.

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12 Fascinating Clownfish Facts And Information For Kids (10)

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If Disney’s “Finding Nemo” got your child excited to learn more about underwater creatures, you might want to introduce them to clownfish facts for kids. Thanks to the movie, this h If you are interested in teaching your child about this popular saltwater fish, here we are with the coolest facts that you perhaps didn’t know before. The humble reef-dwelling water animals can be easily recognized by almost anyone today (well, at least those who have watched the movie).

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In This Article

12 Amazing Clownfish Facts For Kids

1.Scientific Classification And Species Of Anemone:

Clownfish belong to the Amphiprioninae in the Pomacentridae family. There are around 28 to 30 species of clownfish found in yellow, orange, maroon and other colors. Percula Clownfish is the most common. It is five inches long and bright orange in color with white stripes.

2. Range:

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Clownfish are endemic to the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, including the Great Barrier Reef of Australia and the Red Sea. They usually inhabit the base of the sheltered reefs or shallow seas. The clownfish migrate to deeper water during the winter season to keep themselves warm.

Some clownfish reside in the tropical waters among the coral reefs. Clownfish that inhabit the coral reefs drift hundreds of times near coral heads. When someone bothers them, they barb into the gap among the corals.

12 Fascinating Clownfish Facts And Information For Kids (11) Did you know?

Clownfish make popping and clicking sounds when they communicate with one another.

3. Anatomy:

Clownfish have a small and flattened body, and a projecting dorsal fin. They use the pectoral fins in a paddle-like manner.

The color of the clownfish depends upon the type of the species, but most of the clownfish are yellow, black, orange or red with white stripes or blotches. The longest a clownfish can reach is 18cm or 7.1 inches. The smallest clownfish to date was 4.9 inches long. The average weight of a clownfish is 250 grams. The shape and size differ from species to species.

4. Gestation:

Female clownfish can lay up to 1,000 eggs during the full moon. The eggs are placed on the underwater rocks and the male clownfish take care of them until they hatch. The incubation lasts six to ten days and ends with an enormous number of clownfish appearing two hours after dusk Almost all the fertilized eggs hatch and reach adulthood.

5. School:

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The clownfish live in small groups called the school, composed of the mating couple and their offspring. These territorial fishes fiercely defend their homes against other clownfish. There’s also a strict dominance hierarchy in the group of clownfish, with the most aggressive female at the top. If the female clownfish dies or is removed from the group, the most dominant male would turn female and become the head. The remaining males will move up the rankings on the hierarchy.

6. Relationship With Anemone:

Clownfish share a symbiotic relationship with anemone, because of which they are named anemonefish. The partnership is undeterred by the fact that anemones have tentacles that can sting. In fact, this four-inch fish lives among the tentacles, thus seeking protection from the predators. Wondering how the poisonous tentacles do not harm the clownfish? A layer of mucus on the skin makes the fish immune to the stings. Clownfish also gets to eat the leftovers from the anemone’s meal.

The anemone also benefits from having the clownfish around as the latter nibble parasites and dead tentacles that irritate the former. Sometimes, the clownfish bring food for the anemone to eat and provide nutrients from their droppings. This is one of theinteresting facts about clownfish for kids to know!

12 Fascinating Clownfish Facts And Information For Kids (12) Trivia

The Ocellaris clownfish and the Clark’s anemonefish are two of the most commonly found clownfish species. Ocellaris is the orange clownfish with white stripes, while Clark’s anemonefish has bright black, white, and yellow stripes.

7. Diet:

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Clownfish are omnivorous animals, which means that they eat both plants and animals. Besides the dead tentacles and the leftovers of the anemone, clownfish eat plankton, eats plankton, mollusk, zooplankton, phytoplankton, small crustaceans and various algae. Algae covers 20 to 25% of their diet. The diet of a clownfish is dependent on its species, the area of its habitation, and the food available. In captivity, clownfish are fed with fish flakes, fish pellets, and other nutrients.

8. Behavior And Communication:

Clownfish are an active species of fish and are often found doing various forms of acrobats. They are also very aggressive and violent by nature. They attack divers vehemently if they sense any danger from them.

Clownfish communicate by producing ticking noises with their pharyngeal teeth that are aligned with the throat. The male clownfish create sound pulses on particular occasions while the females produce aggressive sounds.

9. Poor Swimmers:

Clownfish are not the best swimmers in the ocean. They spend much of the time hiding in water. When they venture out, their swimming pattern is very erratic. At times, they swim sideways while on other occasions, they swim quickly for short bursts.

10. The Caring Father Fish:

Father clownfish is a dedicated and caring parent. He prepares the nest for the mother clownfish to lay the eggs. He guards the eggs after being laid and cleans the nest, by removing the debris that falls on it.

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11. Clownfish Predators:

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Due to their tiny size, clownfish are attacked by some predators like stingrays, sharks, eels and other big fish. But, clownfish are difficult to catch as they hide in the sea anemone.

12. Threats To Clownfish:

The biggest enemy of clownfish is humans. Humans catch clownfish to display in their aquariums. The other threats are ocean pollution, destruction of the habitat and overfishing. Fortunately, the population of clownfish is still stable, and they are not on the list of endangered species.

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A Few More Fun Facts About Clownfish For Kids

  • A clownfish can live up to 10 years.
  • Clownfish make 40% of the marine ornamental trade. The fish are either captured from the wild or are bred in captivity.
  • Percula clownfish introduces itself to the anemone by performing a dance.
  • Out of 1,000 different types of anemones, only ten can host clownfish.
  • Clownfish got its name from the stripes and bouncing movements, which make them appear as clowns.

Image: IStock

  • Clownfish have different names in different languages. In Russian, they are called obyknovennaya rybka-kloun , in Japanese kakure-kumanomi and Danish klovnfisk .
  • All the clownfish are born males. Some turn into females when the dominant female of the group dies. The change cannot be reversed.
  • Clownfish can survive only for two to five hours in an aquarium if kept as pets. They live longer in the wild.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do clownfish eat their eggs?

A female clownfish can lay thousands of eggs. A male clownfish fertilizes these eggs, and typically eats any eggs that are damaged or may be infertile (1).

2. How deep can clownfish swim?

Clownfish can swim to and live in habitats at a depth of around 39 feet. They live in coastal seaward reefs and lagoons (2).

3. What can we do to help protect clownfish and their habitat?

According to The Centre for Biological Diversity in San Francisco, clownfish and the coral reefs they inhabit are in danger of being destroyed because of global warming, aquarium trade, and ocean acidification. Scientists have predicted that coral reefs will be the first ecosystem to collapse due to the threat of global warming. Some steps that we can take to protect clownfish and their habitat include stopping the aquarium trade and indiscriminate waste dumping into the world’s oceans and tackling global warming by reducing carbon emissions (3).

4. How do clownfish reproduce?

Clownfish reproduce through a fascinating social structure. They live in groups led by a dominant male and female, with smaller males in the mix. The dominant male secures his position by seizing the best food opportunities. If the female dies, the dominant male transforms into a female, and the largest smaller male takes over. The reproductive process involves the female laying thousands of eggs, and the male fertilizes them. The male takes care of the eggs, eating any damaged or infertile ones. This unique social and reproductive system ensures the survival and dynamics of clownfish communities (4).

Clownfish make wonderful fathers that look after the nest and protect their eggs. The clownfish, also known as anemonefish, lives in a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones and feeds on planktons, crustaceans, and algae. Ticking noises help them communicate, and they can survive for up to ten years in the wild. Unfortunately, human activities, such as fishing for aquarium displays, pose a serious threat to their population and life expectancy. These and manyother fascinating clownfish facts for kids can pique their interest in this vibrantly colorfulfish and their favorite Disney character, Nemo.

Infographic: Interesting Information On Clownfish For Children

Clownfish are colorful and unique fishes known for their peculiar and stunning body stripes. In our infographic, we will learn more about their characteristics, behavior, and underwater dwellings. Share these facts with your child to surprise them and spike their interest and knowledge about these stunning sea creatures.

12 Fascinating Clownfish Facts And Information For Kids (13)


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12 Fascinating Clownfish Facts And Information For Kids (15)

Key Pointers

  • The family Pomacentridae includes Clownfish, which are brightly colored with orange and white stripes.
  • Clownfish are found in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans, and they migrate to deeper waters during winter to keep warm.
  • Male clownfish take care of up to 1,000 eggs laid by female clownfish until they hatch.
  • Clownfish live in small groups known as schools and are territorial, with a dominance hierarchy where the most aggressive female holds the top position.
  • They are omnivorous and consume both plants and animals.

Learn all about clownfish! From their bright colors to their unique habitat, this video will teach you the best clownfish facts for kids!


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  1. Clownfish.
  2. Clownfish.
  3. Protection Sought for Clownfish That Inspired Finding Nemo.
  4. False Percula Clownfish.

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12 Fascinating Clownfish Facts And Information For Kids (2024)


Do clownfish have 400 eggs? ›

Clownfish are omnivorous. They feed mainly on filamentous algae, planktonic copepods and benthic crustaceans. When a female is ready to mate, the male will perform a courtship and the female will deposit 400 to 1,000 eggs on the rock next or under their anemone host.

Are there 30 known species of clownfish? ›

There are at least 30 known species of clownfish, most of which live in the shallow waters of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the western Pacific. They are not found in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, or Atlantic Ocean.

What are clownfish babies called? ›

Reproduction. Clownfish males monitor and protect their eggs from predators. The eggs hatch eight days after they are fertilized, usually about an hour after it gets dark in order to increase the survival chances. The babies are called 'fry' and will eat baby brine shrimp several times a day to grow and mature.

Can clownfish swim? ›

We found larval clownfish have the highest oxygen uptake rates of any fish to date. This supports elite swimming, growth and development. As they develop and swim faster, thousands of genes change.

How big can clownfish get? ›

Size: They grow to about 4.3 inches (11 cm) in length, with females being larger than males. Behavior: They have an interesting swimming style that is different from most fish – they swim by rowing their pectoral fins instead of flapping them. True percula clownfish have a symbiotic relationship with various anemones.

What fish can lay 300 million eggs? ›

However, scientists are not sure if ocean sunfish reproduce in groups or in pairs. Female ocean sunfish produce more eggs than any other vertebrate. They can release as many as 300 million eggs at a time and spawn several times throughout their lifetimes.

Will 2 clownfish breed? ›

Develop a mated pair.

Begin by buying two clownfish when they are still young. One of the amazing things about clownfish is that they are all born neither male or female, so you don't have to worry about getting one male and one female. Any pair will do.

Can clownfish get stung by jellyfish? ›

There are 28 known species of clownfish and the Denver Zoo exhibits several species. While clownfish are unharmed by the stinging cells of an anemone, they are not immune to jellyfish stings.

Are blue clownfish real? ›

The holy grail of clownfish breeding used to be an all white morph but since this has been achieved in three species already, breeders have had to set their sights higher, and for an even more exotic color.

Is Nemo a real clownfish? ›

I'm going to start with the characters Nemo, Marlin and Coral, who are all clownfish. It's safe to say our clownfish are one of the most popular fish in our aquarium, and often draw the most attention.

What is the rarest type of clownfish? ›

McCullochi (Amphiprion mccullochi)

Its tiny natural range is closed to fishing making it one of the rarest Clownfish in the aquarium hobby. It is typically dark brown to black in color with a white tail and single white head bar. Juveniles tend to be more brown in coloration and have three bars.

Is Nemo a girl or boy? ›

Nemo hatches as an undifferentiated hermaphrodite (as all clownfish are born) while his father transforms into a female now that his female mate is dead. Since Nemo is the only other clownfish around, he becomes a male and mates with his father (who is now a female).

Are clown fish all born male? ›

Because clownfish are all born as males, they are protandrous hermaphrodites. This phenomenon is also found in other species of fish in the Red Sea. Clownfish lay eggs on any flat surface close to their host anemones.

What are the 7 classifications of a clownfish? ›

  • Kingdom. Animalia.
  • Phylum. Chordate.
  • Class. Actinopterygii.
  • Order. Perciformes.
  • Family. Pomacentridae.
  • Genus. Amphiprion.

What makes clownfish so special? ›

Clownfish bodies have a mucus layer which is immune to the toxins the anemone produces to capture prey. The anemone provides shelter from predators and the clownfish returns the favour by removing parasites and driving away intruders.

Can you touch a clownfish? ›

They are not dangerous to humans and do not have any defense mechanisms against people. However, it is important to avoid handling clownfish or moving their tank around excessively, as this can stress the fish and lead to health problems.

Are clownfish smart? ›

These intelligent, curious fish offer educational rewards, especially for children who are not familiar with fish or aquariums. Because clownfish in a home aquarium are not under the constant threat of predators, they can roam, feed, and reproduce without worry - providing interesting illustrations of fish behavior.

Did clownfish eat their eggs? ›

They eat unfertilized eggs, infected eggs and when they under stress.


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