Acess previous weights (2024)

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    magenta.kabuto @Vyacheslav_Blast edited by

    @vyacheslav_b the problem with not using states as I understand is the following: lets say the model estimated in t (single pass) gives an estimate for NAS:AAPL = 0.04 (weight allocation). So thats the position assigned to the stock in t for t+1.
    In t+1 the model is reestimated but with the information of NAS:AAPL in t and assigns weights 0.03 for t+1 and 0.035 for t+2 in t+1. When I do not use states, and apply get_lower_slippage function , I will have weight allocation 0.035 for t+2 in t+1 whereas with the states I will have 0.04 for t+2 in t+1 and I will not have impact of the transaction costs.
    Thank you.

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      machesterdragon @Vyacheslav_Blast edited by

      @vyacheslav_b I tried your way but when prechecking there was an error: some dates are missed in the portfolio_history and the sharpness was very low.
      Acess previous weights (1)

      I went to precheck result html file and this is the error result and sharpe is nan
      Acess previous weights (2)

      We look forward to receiving your support. Thank you
      @support @Vyacheslav_B

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        Vyacheslav_B @machesterdragonlast edited by Vyacheslav_B

        @machesterdragon Hello.

        If you use a state and a function that returns the prediction for one day, you will not get correct results with precheck.

        Theoretically, you can specify the number of partitions as all available days. or you can return all predictions

        I have not checked how the precheck works.

        If it works in parallel, you will not see the correct result even more so.

        State in strategy limits you. I recommend not using it.

        Here is an example of a version for one pass; I couldn't test it because my submission did not calculate even one day.


        ! pip install torch==2.2.1


        import gzipimport picklefrom import get_envfrom qnt.log import log_err, log_infodef state_write(state, path=None): if path is None: path = get_env("OUT_STATE_PATH", "state.out.pickle.gz") try: with, 'wb') as gz: pickle.dump(state, gz) log_info("State saved: " + str(state)) except Exception as e: log_err(f"Error saving state: {e}")def state_read(path=None): if path is None: path = get_env("OUT_STATE_PATH", "state.out.pickle.gz") try: with, 'rb') as gz: state = pickle.load(gz) log_info("State loaded.") return state except Exception as e: log_err(f"Can't load state: {e}") return Nonestate = state_read()print(state)# separate celldef print_stats(data, weights): stats = qns.calc_stat(data, weights) display(stats.to_pandas().tail()) performance = stats.to_pandas()["equity"] qngraph.make_plot_filled(performance.index, performance, name="PnL (Equity)", type="log")data_train = load_data(train_period)models = train_model(data_train)data_predict = load_data(lookback_period)last_time = data_predict.time.values[-1]if last_time < np.datetime64('2006-01-02'): print("The first state should be None") state_write(None) state = state_read() print(state)weights_predict, state_new = predict(models, data_predict, state)print_stats(data_predict, weights_predict)state_write(state_new)print(state_new)qnout.write(weights_predict) # To participate in the competition, save this code in a separate cell.

        But I hope it will work correctly.

        Do not expect any responses from me during this week.

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          machesterdragon @Vyacheslav_Blast edited by machesterdragon

          @vyacheslav_b said in Acess previous weights:

          If you use a state and a function that returns the prediction for one day, you will not get correct results with precheck.
          Theoretically, you can specify the number of partitions as all available days. or you can return all predictions
          I have not checked how the precheck works.
          If it works in parallel, you will not see the correct result even more so.
          State in strategy limits you. I recommend not using it.

          Thank you so much @Vyacheslav_B.
          I just tried applying the single pass you suggested but the results were nan. Looking forward to your help when you have time. thank you very much
          Acess previous weights (3)

          Acess previous weights (4)

          Acess previous weights (5)

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            Vyacheslav_B @machesterdragonlast edited by

            That's how it should be. This code is needed so that submissions are processed faster when sent to the contest. The backtest system will calculate the weights for each day. The function I provided calculates weights for only one day.

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            • illustrious.felice @Vyacheslav_Blast edited by illustrious.felice

              @vyacheslav_b Hello, I was trying the code you gave and realized that using state for train ml_backtest only works when the get feature function is a feature like ohlc or log of ohlc (open, high, low, close).

              I added some other features (eg: trend = qnta.roc(qnta.lwma(data.sel(field='close'), 40), 1),...) and noticed that after passing ml_backtest, every The indexes are all nan. Looking forward to your help. Thank you.


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                Vyacheslav_B @illustrious.felicelast edited by

                @illustrious-felice Hello.

                Show me an example of the code.

                I don't quite understand what you are trying to do.

                Maybe you just don't have enough data in the functions to get the value.

                Please note that in the lines I intentionally reduce the data size to 1 day to predict only the last day.

                last_time = data.time.values[-1]data_last = data.sel(time=slice(last_time, None))

                Calculate your indicators before this code, and then slice the values.

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                • illustrious.felice @Vyacheslav_Blast edited by illustrious.felice

                  @vyacheslav_b Thank you for your response
                  Here is the code I used from your example. I added some other features (eg: trend = qnta.roc(qnta.lwma(data.sel(field='close'), 40), 1),...) and noticed that after passing ml_backtest, every indexes are all nan. Pnl is a straight line. I have tried changing many other features but the result is still the same, all indicators are nan

                  import xarray as xrimport as qndataimport qnt.backtester as qnbtimport qnt.ta as qntaimport qnt.stats as qnsimport qnt.graph as qngraphimport qnt.output as qnoutimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport torchfrom torch import nn, optimimport randomasset_name_all = ['NAS:AAPL', 'NAS:GOOGL']lookback_period = 155train_period = 100class LSTM(nn.Module): """ Class to define our LSTM network. """ def __init__(self, input_dim=3, hidden_layers=64): super(LSTM, self).__init__() self.hidden_layers = hidden_layers self.lstm1 = nn.LSTMCell(input_dim, self.hidden_layers) self.lstm2 = nn.LSTMCell(self.hidden_layers, self.hidden_layers) self.linear = nn.Linear(self.hidden_layers, 1) def forward(self, y): outputs = [] n_samples = y.size(0) h_t = torch.zeros(n_samples, self.hidden_layers, dtype=torch.float32) c_t = torch.zeros(n_samples, self.hidden_layers, dtype=torch.float32) h_t2 = torch.zeros(n_samples, self.hidden_layers, dtype=torch.float32) c_t2 = torch.zeros(n_samples, self.hidden_layers, dtype=torch.float32) for time_step in range(y.size(1)): x_t = y[:, time_step, :] # Ensure x_t is [batch, input_dim] h_t, c_t = self.lstm1(x_t, (h_t, c_t)) h_t2, c_t2 = self.lstm2(h_t, (h_t2, c_t2)) output = self.linear(h_t2) outputs.append(output.unsqueeze(1)) outputs =, dim=1).squeeze(-1) return outputsdef get_model(): def set_seed(seed_value=42): """Set seed for reproducibility.""" random.seed(seed_value) np.random.seed(seed_value) torch.manual_seed(seed_value) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed_value) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed_value) # if you are using multi-GPU. torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False set_seed(42) model = LSTM(input_dim=3) return modeldef get_features(data): close_price = data.sel(field="close").ffill('time').bfill('time').fillna(1) open_price = data.sel(field="open").ffill('time').bfill('time').fillna(1) high_price = data.sel(field="high").ffill('time').bfill('time').fillna(1) log_close = np.log(close_price) log_open = np.log(open_price) trend = qnta.roc(qnta.lwma(close_price ), 40), 1) features = xr.concat([log_close, log_open, high_price, trend], "feature") return featuresdef get_target_classes(data): price_current = data.sel(field='open') price_future = qnta.shift(price_current, -1) class_positive = 1 # prices goes up class_negative = 0 # price goes down target_price_up = xr.where(price_future > price_current, class_positive, class_negative) return target_price_updef load_data(period): return qndata.stocks.load_ndx_data(tail=period, assets=asset_name_all)def train_model(data): features_all = get_features(data) target_all = get_target_classes(data) models = dict() for asset_name in asset_name_all: model = get_model() target_cur = target_all.sel(asset=asset_name).dropna('time', 'any') features_cur = features_all.sel(asset=asset_name).dropna('time', 'any') target_for_learn_df, feature_for_learn_df = xr.align(target_cur, features_cur, join='inner') criterion = nn.MSELoss() optimiser = optim.LBFGS(model.parameters(), lr=0.08) epochs = 1 for i in range(epochs): def closure(): optimiser.zero_grad() feature_data = feature_for_learn_df.transpose('time', 'feature').values in_ = torch.tensor(feature_data, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0) out = model(in_) target = torch.zeros(1, len(target_for_learn_df.values)) target[0, :] = torch.tensor(np.array(target_for_learn_df.values)) loss = criterion(out, target) loss.backward() return loss optimiser.step(closure) models[asset_name] = model return modelsdef predict(models, data, state): last_time = data.time.values[-1] data_last = data.sel(time=slice(last_time, None)) weights = xr.zeros_like(data_last.sel(field='close')) for asset_name in asset_name_all: features_all = get_features(data_last) features_cur = features_all.sel(asset=asset_name).dropna('time', 'any') if len(features_cur.time) < 1: continue feature_data = features_cur.transpose('time', 'feature').values in_ = torch.tensor(feature_data, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0) out = models[asset_name](in_) prediction = out.detach()[0] weights.loc[dict(asset=asset_name, time=features_cur.time.values)] = prediction weights = weights * data_last.sel(field="is_liquid") # state may be null, so define a default value if state is None: default = xr.zeros_like(data_last.sel(field='close')).isel(time=-1) state = { "previus_weights": default, } previus_weights = state['previus_weights'] # align the arrays to prevent problems in case the asset list changes previus_weights, weights = xr.align(previus_weights, weights, join='right') weights_avg = (previus_weights + weights) / 2 next_state = { "previus_weights": weights_avg.isel(time=-1), } # print(last_time)# print("previus_weights")# print(previus_weights)# print(weights)# print("weights_avg")# print(weights_avg.isel(time=-1)) return weights_avg, next_stateweights = qnbt.backtest_ml( load_data=load_data, train=train_model, predict=predict, train_period=train_period, retrain_interval=360, retrain_interval_after_submit=1, predict_each_day=True, competition_type='stocks_nasdaq100', lookback_period=lookback_period, start_date='2006-01-01', build_plots=True)

                  Acess previous weights (10)
                  Acess previous weights (11)
                  Acess previous weights (12)

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                    magenta.kabuto @illustrious.felicelast edited by

                    hello again to all,
                    I hope everyone is fine.
                    I again came across a question, which should have occurred to me earlier, namely when we use a stateful machine learning strategy for submission, how can we pass on the states without using the ml_backtester, assuming the notebook is rerun at each point in time.
                    Thank you.

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                      Vyacheslav_Blast edited by

                      @illustrious-felice Hi,


                      This repository provides an example of using state, calculating complex indicators, dynamically selecting stocks for trading, and implementing basic risk management measures, such as normalizing and reducing large positions. It also includes recommendations for submitting strategies to the competition.

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                      • Acess previous weights (2024)


                        How do I see my previous weight on MyFitnessPal? ›

                        On the home page where the dashboard is located, you can scroll down to the Progress section where you can see cards displayed. To view past weight history or add additional tracked measurements simply tap directly on the Progress card (not the + button).

                        What has happened to MyFitnessPal? ›

                        On October 30, 2020, Under Armour announced that MyFitnessPal would be sold to the private equity firm Francisco Partners for $345 million and that it was shutting down Endomondo. In 2021, MyFitnessPal partnered with Sprouts Farmers Market.

                        Where to enter weight in MyFitnessPal? ›

                        How do I log my exercise and weight? In your Dashboard, you now have cards that display your weight and exercise data. Tap the “+” icon on the respective card to log your daily weight and exercise.

                        How do I edit my weight on MyFitnessPal? ›

                        Users of our apps can also update their starting weight by going to the menu or "more" page > Goals > then tap "Starting Weight" at the top. Users can also remove erroneous weight or measurement entries by swiping the entry from right to left in the list, then tapping the revealed "Delete" button.

                        How do I check my weight on the app? ›

                        Track your weight
                        1. On your phone, open the Google Fit app .
                        2. At the bottom right, tap Add Add weight .
                        3. Enter your weight.
                        4. At the top right, tap Save.

                        Can you track weight loss on MyFitnessPal? ›

                        Yes! The best thing about MyFitnessPal is that it's an all-in-one app. You don't need a separate intermittent fasting app, or different apps for water tracking, weight tracking, or fitness tracking. All MyFitnessPal members can track their weight goals, exercise, and water intake alongside calories and nutrition.

                        What is the controversy with MyFitnessPal? ›

                        This research suggests that My Fitness Pal is widely used in an eating disorder population and is perceived as contributing to eating disorder symptoms. Further research is needed to clarify the role calorie tracking applications play within a sample of individuals with eating disorders.

                        Is there no longer a free version of MyFitnessPal? ›

                        Yes! The standard features of MyFitnessPal are free to use, and creating a basic account is free. The MyFitnessPal app is available to download for free on iOS and Android. We also have our main website at

                        Do people still use MyFitnessPal? ›

                        MyFitnessPal is the #1 global nutrition and food tracking app for achieving health goals, especially weight management. Since 2005, MyFitnessPal has empowered over 200 million users in over 120 countries to improve their health by tracking their food, recording exercise activity, and logging their weight.

                        Can people see my weight on MyFitnessPal? ›

                        Your actual weight is for your eyes only, this is always kept private. If you add a friend, they will be able to see your News Feed updates, including the amount of weight you've lost, but never your current weight.

                        How often should I update my weight on MyFitnessPal? ›

                        We recommend logging your weight once a week. Please note, if you lose weight, your calorie intake may decrease. Think of your body like a car: the more it weighs the more fuel it requires to get from Point A to Point B.

                        Can you use MyFitnessPal to maintain weight? ›

                        We use these factors to determine the calories required to maintain your current weight. We also ask how much weight you would like to lose or gain per week, and with this goal in mind we subtract calories (for weight loss) or add calories (for weight gain) to determine your daily calorie and nutrient goals.

                        How do I view full report on MyFitnessPal app? ›

                        In the “Food Diary” subtab under the “Food” tab, one may print out a full report of their Food and Exercise Diary by clicking the “View Full Report (Printable)” button and selecting the appropriate date.

                        Can I reset my weight on MyFitnessPal? ›

                        If you would prefer to update your profile:

                        Log into the website ( Click My Home >> Settings >> Update diet/fitness profile. Set a new starting weight and goal.

                        How do you track weight progress? ›

                        How to track weight loss progress
                        1. Use a scale. This option is tried and true for a reason. ...
                        2. Monitor your BMI. Your BMI, or body mass index, is a ratio of weight and height. ...
                        3. Bust out the tape measure. ...
                        4. Notice how your clothes fit. ...
                        5. Take a selfie. ...
                        6. Use a weight tracking app. ...
                        7. Be consistent in your tracking.
                        Aug 24, 2021


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