having internal Definition | Englisch Wörterbuch (2024)

having internal Definition | Englisch Wörterbuch (1)





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having internal Definition | Englisch Wörterbuch (2)


vb , has, having, had mainly tr

1 to be in material possession of; own
he has two cars

2 to possess as a characteristic quality or attribute
he has dark hair

3 to receive, take, or obtain
she had a present from him, have a look

4 to hold or entertain in the mind
to have an idea

5 to possess a knowledge or understanding of
I have no German

6 to experience or undergo
to have a shock

7 to be infected with or suffer from
to have a cold

9 usually passive
Slang to cheat or outwit
he was had by that dishonest salesman

10 foll by: on to exhibit (mercy, compassion, etc., towards)
have mercy on us, Lord

11 to engage or take part in
to have a conversation

12 to arrange, carry out, or hold
to have a party

13 to cause, compel, or require to (be, do, or be done)
have my shoes mended

14 takes an infinitive with: to used as an auxiliary to express compulsion or necessity
I had to run quickly to escape him

15 to eat, drink, or partake of
to have a good meal

16 Taboo slang to have sexual intercourse with
he had her on the sofa

17 used with a negative to tolerate or allow
I won't have all this noise

18 to declare, state, or assert
rumour has it that they will marry

19 to put or place
I'll have the sofa in this room

20 to receive as a guest
to have three people to stay

21 to beget or bear (offspring)
she had three children

22 takes a past participle used as an auxiliary to form compound tenses expressing completed action
I have gone, I shall have gone, I would have gone, I had gone

23 had better or best ought to: used to express compulsion, obligation, etc.
you had better go

24 had rather or sooner to consider or find preferable that
I had rather you left at once

25 have done See done 3

26 have had it

a to be exhausted, defeated, or killed

b to have lost one's last chance

c to become unfashionable

27 have it to win a victory

28 have it away (or off)
Taboo (Brit)
slang to have sexual intercourse

29 have it coming
Informal to be about to receive or to merit punishment or retribution

30 have it in for
Informal to wish or intend harm towards

31 have it so good to have so many benefits, esp. material benefits

32 have to do with

a to have dealings or associate with
I have nothing to do with her

b to be of relevance to
this has nothing to do with you

33 I have it
Informal I know the answer

34 let (someone) have it
Slang to launch or deliver an attack on, esp. to discharge a firearm at (someone)

35 not having any foll by: of
Informal refusing to take part or be involved (in)

36 usually pl a person or group of people in possession of wealth, security, etc.
the haves and the have-nots See also have at have in have on have out have up
(Old English habban; related to Old Norse hafa, Old Saxon hebbian, Old High German haben, Latin habere)

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with or having an eye to, Havering, Haig, hang

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having good taste



older woman having a relation with a younger man




A theory that regards thinking as a form of internal communication rather than an entirely different operation




blend of 'phone' and 'tablet', a phablet is an oversized mobile device having a screen which is intermediate between that of a typical smartphone and a tablet computer

Ex: Your phablet is a little bulky for my taste but I must admit it offers a better visual experience for Web pages than my smartphone.



a woman, generally in her twenties, who shows she is having a good time with her friends by shooting "WOO" ("HOO") usually in unison with other woo girls


wild card


Exceptional invitation to a player to participate in a tourney without having to qualify for it.





having a changeable luster or color with an undulating narrow band of white light

hand me up


a technology item that a young person no longer uses and hands over to an older person, after having purchased a last generation product




Expression used to mean that you have provided fingerprints for all your fingers, thumbs included (i.e. 10 fingers), as opposed to having provided only two fingerprints.

[US];[Adm.] US gov. upon Visa requirement: "Have you been ten-printed?"



having a moustache, especially a bushy, long or elaborate one

Ex: Interrogated about the prime suspect he had lately spotted in a restaurant, the poet surprisingly claimed: "He was looking trim and was moustachioed eating an ice cream which was pistachioed".



having been made impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance

get the jitters


become very nervous or anxious especially before an important event or before having to do something difficult

[informal] Ex.: She always gets the jitters before going on stage.

cyberspace world


A progressing virtual world of global computers having networks of interdependent information technology infrastructures, telecommunications networks and computer processing systems, in which online interaction takes place.


well put together

adv. adj.

looking good; having a look that was obviously well taken care of.

e.g a very well put together woman (adj.)You look well put together (adj.)

Netflix and chill


Slang for having intimate relations with another person while Netflix is on in the background.

[Slang] Example: I invited Jen over to my place for a Netflix and chill kind of night.

dark night of the soul


1. [Rel.] expression used to describe metaphorically a period of ignorance and spiritual crisis that precedes the communion with Divinity ; 2. in a larger meaning, it is used when refering to having a hard time, going through a phase of pessimism, sadness, failure etc.


Digital estate Planning


Digital estate Planning is the process having uniform rules of envisaging and arranging for the clearance of digital assets during a person physical life under virtual identity.

[Leg.];[Tech.] arranging for the clearance of digital assets

be | not be the marrying kind


be/not be interested in getting married and having a family



act or habit of describing something as having little or no value

{rare] Ex.: My teen is in that phase right now where everything and everyone is lame and sucks; this floccinaucinihilipilification is really a pain in the neck!

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having internal Definition | Englisch Wörterbuch (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.