Marine Clowns – Sims Tropical Fish (2024)

Marine Clowns – Sims Tropical Fish | Tropical Fish, Aquarium, Fish Store, Cold Water & Marine Fish SpecialistsSun, 07 Apr 2024 12:51:43 +0000en-GBhourly1 Barberi Clownfish Amphiprion Barberi<![CDATA[simstropicalfish]]>Fri, 05 Apr 2024 18:22:06 +0000<![CDATA[Tomato Barberi Clownfish Amphiprion Barberi Overview: The Tomato Clownfish, scientifically known as Amphiprion Barberi, is a vibrant marine species admired for its striking red coloration with a single white band behind the head. This hearty species adds a splash of color and activity to any saltwater aquarium. Reaching up to 5 inches in length, they’re […]]]><![CDATA[

Tomato Barberi Clownfish Amphiprion Barberi

Overview: The Tomato Clownfish, scientifically known as Amphiprion Barberi, is a vibrant marine species admired for its striking red coloration with a single white band behind the head. This hearty species adds a splash of color and activity to any saltwater aquarium. Reaching up to 5 inches in length, they’re not just beautiful but also have a fascinating symbiotic relationship with anemones, providing a captivating natural spectacle.

Origin: Native to the Western Pacific Ocean, specifically around Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa, the Tomato Clownfish thrives in shallow lagoons and reef environments. Its resilience and adaptability to various marine conditions make it a popular choice among aquarists.

Feeding: Omnivorous by nature, the Tomato Clownfish’s diet should include a balanced mix of meaty foods and algae-based meals. Quality marine flake foods, frozen shrimp, and spirulina are excellent choices to ensure their nutritional needs are met, promoting vibrant coloration and overall health.

Tank Mates: While generally peaceful, they can be territorial, especially in smaller tanks. Suitable tank mates include larger fish species that can hold their own, as well as non-aggressive invertebrates. Avoid housing them with other clownfish species to prevent territorial disputes.

Aggression: The Tomato Clownfish exhibits a moderate level of aggression, mainly towards its species or similar-looking clownfish, especially in smaller aquariums. Providing ample space and hiding spots can mitigate aggressive behaviors.

Experience Level: Ideal for beginners and experienced aquarists alike, the Tomato Clownfish is known for its hardiness and straightforward care requirements. It’s an excellent species for those new to marine aquariums, offering a rewarding experience with minimal complications.

Water Parameters: To thrive, Tomato Clownfish require stable water conditions: a temperature range of 75-82°F (24-28°C), pH levels between 8.1-8.4, and specific gravity of 1.020-1.025. Regular water changes and monitoring are essential to maintain these parameters, ensuring a healthy environment for your clownfish.

Adding a Tomato Clownfish to your aquarium not only brings a vibrant splash of color but also introduces an intriguing natural behavior and symbiotic relationships to observe. With their striking appearance and fascinating characteristics, they’re sure to become a cherished part of your marine community.

Picasso Percula Clownfish Amphiprion Percula<![CDATA[simstropicalfish]]>Fri, 05 Apr 2024 18:09:31 +0000<![CDATA[Picasso Percula Clownfish Amphiprion Percula Overview: The Picasso Percula Clownfish is a uniquely patterned and highly sought-after variety of the famous clownfish. Characterized by its striking coloration, irregular black outlines, and mesmerizing patterns, it stands out in any marine aquarium. This species showcases the beauty of marine life with its vivid orange body adorned with […]]]><![CDATA[

Picasso Percula Clownfish Amphiprion Percula

The Picasso Percula Clownfish is a uniquely patterned and highly sought-after variety of the famous clownfish. Characterized by its striking coloration, irregular black outlines, and mesmerizing patterns, it stands out in any marine aquarium. This species showcases the beauty of marine life with its vivid orange body adorned with white bands outlined in a distinctive, art-like black pattern, reminiscent of Picasso’s abstract art.

Native to the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean, especially around reefs in Australia and Southeast Asia, the Picasso Percula Clownfish thrives in coral-rich environments. They are found in shallow lagoons and on the outer reefs, where they form symbiotic relationships with sea anemones.

Omnivores by nature, these clownfish require a varied diet for optimal health. High-quality marine flake food, frozen, and live foods such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and finely chopped seafood will keep them in vibrant health. Feed 2-3 times daily in small amounts to avoid overfeeding.

Tank Mates:
Picasso Percula Clownfish are generally peaceful with other marine species but can be territorial towards their own kind or similar clownfish species. Ideal tank mates include smaller, non-aggressive fish, invertebrates, and corals. Avoid housing with larger, predatory fish.

While peaceful to most tank mates, they may exhibit aggression towards other clownfish, especially in smaller aquariums. Providing ample space and hiding spots can reduce territorial behavior.

Experience Level:
Suitable for both novice and experienced aquarists. Their hardy nature and adaptability to aquarium life make them an excellent choice for newcomers to marine aquarium keeping.

Water Parameters:
To thrive, maintain water quality within the following parameters: temperature between 75°F and 82°F (24°C – 28°C), salinity of 1.020-1.026 specific gravity, and pH levels of 8.1-8.4. Regular water changes and stable water conditions are crucial for their wellbeing.

The Picasso Percula Clownfish is not only a testament to the beauty of marine life but also a manageable and rewarding addition to any saltwater aquarium. Its captivating appearance and interactive nature make it a favorite among aquarists. With proper care and a suitable environment, it will provide a mesmerizing display of color and activity.

Black Storm Clown Fish Amphiprion Ocellaris<![CDATA[simstropicalfish]]>Fri, 05 Apr 2024 18:00:38 +0000<![CDATA[Black Storm Clown Fish Amphiprion Ocellaris The Black Storm Clownfish, a striking variant of the classic clownfish, is admired for its unique black and white patterning. This captivating species not only adds a dramatic flair to any marine aquarium but also embodies the hardy characteristics of the Amphiprion genus. Origin Native to the warm waters […]]]><![CDATA[

Black Storm Clown Fish Amphiprion Ocellaris

The Black Storm Clownfish, a striking variant of the classic clownfish, is admired for its unique black and white patterning. This captivating species not only adds a dramatic flair to any marine aquarium but also embodies the hardy characteristics of the Amphiprion genus.


Native to the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific region, the Black Storm Clownfish has been selectively bred to exhibit its mesmerizing coloration, making it a rare and sought-after addition to the hobby.


This omnivorous species thrives on a varied diet consisting of meaty foods such as brine shrimp and mysis shrimp, supplemented with high-quality marine flake and pellet foods to ensure a balanced nutrition.

Tank Mates

Being peaceful in nature, they coexist well with a variety of other reef-safe fish and invertebrates. Ideal tank mates include other small, non-aggressive fish species, as well as corals and anemones, with which they can form a symbiotic relationship.


The Black Storm Clownfish is generally peaceful but can exhibit territorial behavior towards other clownfish, especially in smaller aquariums. It’s recommended to keep them in pairs or with a compatible anemone to minimize aggression.

Experience Level

Suitable for aquarists of all levels, from beginner to expert. Their hardy nature and adaptability to aquarium life make them an excellent choice for those new to marine aquarium keeping, as well as seasoned enthusiasts looking for a unique addition to their collection.

Water Parameters

  • Temperature: 74-78°F (23-26°C)
  • pH: 8.1-8.4
  • Salinity: 1.020-1.026 sg
  • Alkalinity: 8-12 dKH

Regular monitoring and maintenance of water quality are crucial to ensure the health and well-being of the Black Storm Clownfish.

Black Onyx Percula Clownfish Amphiprion Percula<![CDATA[simstropicalfish]]>Fri, 05 Apr 2024 17:51:55 +0000<![CDATA[Black Onyx Percula Clownfish Amphiprion Percula Overview: The Black Onyx Percula Clownfish is a highly sought-after variation of the classic clownfish known for its striking black and white coloration. These marine fish are hardy, making them a suitable choice for both novice and experienced aquarists. They add a dramatic flair to any saltwater aquarium with […]]]><![CDATA[

Black Onyx Percula Clownfish Amphiprion Percula

Overview: The Black Onyx Percula Clownfish is a highly sought-after variation of the classic clownfish known for its striking black and white coloration. These marine fish are hardy, making them a suitable choice for both novice and experienced aquarists. They add a dramatic flair to any saltwater aquarium with their vibrant contrast against the aquatic landscape.

Origin: Native to the warm waters of the Western Pacific Ocean, including parts of the Great Barrier Reef, these fish typically inhabit shallow reefs and lagoons. The Black Onyx variant is selectively bred for its unique coloration.

Feeding: Omnivorous by nature, they thrive on a diet of meaty foods such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and quality marine flake foods. They also benefit from the inclusion of algae-based foods in their diet. Feeding should be done twice daily.

Tank Mates: Being peaceful fish, they can coexist with a variety of other marine species. Ideal tank mates include small, peaceful fish and invertebrates. Care should be taken to avoid housing them with larger, aggressive fish that may bully or harm them.

Aggression: Generally peaceful, Black Onyx Percula Clownfish may exhibit territorial behaviors towards other clownfish, especially in smaller aquariums. It’s best to keep them in pairs or alone to minimize aggression.

Experience Level: Suitable for aquarists of all levels, from beginner to expert. Their hardiness and adaptability make them an excellent choice for those new to marine aquariums, while their unique beauty appeals to experienced hobbyists.

Water Parameters: Thrive in stable marine environments with temperatures between 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C), a pH of 8.1 to 8.4, and specific gravity of 1.020 to 1.026. Regular water changes and good filtration are essential to maintain optimal water quality.

Add a touch of elegance and intrigue to your aquarium with the Black Onyx Percula Clownfish. Their mesmerizing appearance and easy-going nature make them a perfect centerpiece or addition to any saltwater aquarium community.

Coral Sea Percula Clownfish Amphiprion Ocellaris<![CDATA[simstropicalfish]]>Fri, 05 Apr 2024 17:43:15 +0000<![CDATA[Coral Sea Percula Clownfish Amphiprion Ocellaris The Coral Sea Percula Clownfish, also known as Amphiprion Ocellaris, is a vibrant and captivating marine species popular among aquarium enthusiasts. Known for their striking orange color with white bands outlined in black, they are a centerpiece in many home aquariums. These clownfish are not only admired for their […]]]><![CDATA[

Coral Sea Percula Clownfish Amphiprion Ocellaris

The Coral Sea Percula Clownfish, also known as Amphiprion Ocellaris, is a vibrant and captivating marine species popular among aquarium enthusiasts. Known for their striking orange color with white bands outlined in black, they are a centerpiece in many home aquariums. These clownfish are not only admired for their beauty but also for their fascinating symbiotic relationship with anemones, which offers a mesmerizing glimpse into marine coexistence.


Native to the warm waters of the Coral Sea, the Amphiprion Ocellaris is found in shallow reefs and lagoons. They are particularly abundant in areas around Australia, Southeast Asia, and Japan, thriving in environments where their host anemones are present.


Coral Sea Percula Clownfish are omnivores, requiring a varied diet to maintain their health and vibrant coloration. Their diet in captivity should include a mix of meaty foods such as mysis and brine shrimp, along with high-quality marine flakes and pellets that are specially formulated for omnivores. Feeding should occur once or twice daily in small amounts that the fish can consume within a few minutes.

Tank Mates

Amphiprion Ocellaris is generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of other marine species. Ideal tank mates include small, non-aggressive fish, and other reef-dwelling invertebrates. Care should be taken to avoid housing them with large, aggressive fish that may view them as prey. Similarly, only one pair of clownfish should be kept in a tank unless it is large enough to support multiple territories.


While typically peaceful towards most tank mates, Percula Clownfish can show territorial aggression towards their kind and other clownfish species, especially in smaller tanks. This aggression is primarily focused on protecting their territory and host anemone.

Experience Level

Coral Sea Percula Clownfish are suitable for marine aquarists of all levels, from beginners to advanced. Their hardiness and adaptability to aquarium life make them an excellent choice for those new to marine aquarium keeping, provided their basic care requirements are met.

Water Parameters

  • Temperature: 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C)
  • pH: 8.1 to 8.4
  • Salinity: 1.020 to 1.026 SG
  • Water Hardness: 8 to 12 dKH

Maintaining stable water parameters is crucial for the health of the Coral Sea Percula Clownfish. Regular water changes, along with monitoring of water quality, will help ensure a thriving environment for these captivating marine creatures.

Snowflake Clown Fish Amphiprion Ocellaris<![CDATA[simstropicalfish]]>Fri, 05 Apr 2024 17:36:26 +0000<![CDATA[Snowflake Clown Fish Amphiprion Ocellaris Overview: The Snowflake Clownfish is a captivating variant of the well-loved Amphiprion ocellaris, distinguished by its unique and irregular white patterns against a vivid orange backdrop. This morph, while retaining the playful demeanor of its species, brings a splash of elegance and whimsy to any marine aquarium. Origin: Originally found […]]]><![CDATA[

Snowflake Clown Fish Amphiprion Ocellaris

Overview: The Snowflake Clownfish is a captivating variant of the well-loved Amphiprion ocellaris, distinguished by its unique and irregular white patterns against a vivid orange backdrop. This morph, while retaining the playful demeanor of its species, brings a splash of elegance and whimsy to any marine aquarium.

Origin: Originally found in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean, including parts of Southeast Asia, Japan, and the Great Barrier Reef, the Snowflake Clownfish has adapted remarkably well to captivity. This has made it a popular choice among aquarists worldwide.

Feeding: Snowflake Clownfish are omnivorous. Their diet should include a mix of meaty foods such as mysis shrimp and brine shrimp, along with high-quality marine flakes and pellets to ensure a balanced diet. Feeding should occur twice a day for optimal health.

Tank Mates: This species is known for its relatively peaceful nature, making it compatible with a variety of reef-safe fish and invertebrates. However, care should be taken to avoid housing them with large, aggressive species that may bully or harm them. Ideal tank mates include smaller, peaceful fish and invertebrates that do not compete aggressively for food or space.

Aggression: Snowflake Clownfish may exhibit territorial behavior, especially towards other clownfish, if the tank is too small or lacks adequate hiding places. Providing plenty of space and environmental enrichment can minimize aggression.

Experience Level: Snowflake Clownfish are hardy and adaptable, making them an excellent choice for both novice and experienced aquarists. Their resilience and straightforward care requirements provide a rewarding experience for anyone interested in marine aquariums.

Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C)
  • pH: 8.1 to 8.4
  • Salinity: 1.020 to 1.026 specific gravity
  • Ammonia/Nitrite: 0 ppm
  • Nitrate: <20 ppm

Maintaining stable water parameters and regular water changes are crucial for the health of Snowflake Clownfish and their tank mates.

This delightful variant not only adds visual interest to your aquarium but also brings the joy and personality that clownfish are known for. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned aquarist, the Snowflake Clownfish is a must-have addition to your marine ecosystem.

Platinum Clown Fish Amphiprion Percula<![CDATA[simstropicalfish]]>Fri, 05 Apr 2024 17:28:13 +0000<![CDATA[Platinum Clown Fish Amphiprion Percula Overview: The Platinum Clownfish, a radiant variant of the Amphiprion percula, is cherished for its unique, shimmering white coloration, contrasted by its vivid black outlines. This captivating marine fish is not only a visual spectacle but also a hardy and adaptable species, making it a beloved choice among aquarium enthusiasts. […]]]><![CDATA[

Platinum Clown Fish Amphiprion Percula

Overview: The Platinum Clownfish, a radiant variant of the Amphiprion percula, is cherished for its unique, shimmering white coloration, contrasted by its vivid black outlines. This captivating marine fish is not only a visual spectacle but also a hardy and adaptable species, making it a beloved choice among aquarium enthusiasts.

Origin: Native to the warm, shallow waters of the Western Pacific Ocean, the Platinum Clownfish thrives in coral-rich environments. They are often found nestled among the tentacles of anemones, forming a symbiotic relationship that provides protection and sustenance.

Feeding: Omnivorous by nature, the Platinum Clownfish’s diet should include a balanced mix of meaty foods and algae-based fare. High-quality marine flake foods, frozen shrimp, and pellets are ideal for maintaining their health and vibrant coloration. Regular feedings twice a day are recommended.

Tank Mates: Being peaceful in nature, the Platinum Clownfish coexists well with a variety of other reef-safe fish and invertebrates. Ideal tank mates include smaller, non-aggressive species. Caution should be exercised when housing with large, predatory fish or other clownfish variants to prevent territorial disputes.

Aggression: Platinum Clownfish are generally peaceful but can exhibit territorial behavior, especially towards other clownfish. Providing ample space and hiding spots can help minimize aggression within the tank.

Experience Level: Suitable for aquarists of all levels, from beginner to expert. Their resilience and straightforward care requirements make them an excellent choice for those new to marine aquarium keeping.

Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
  • pH: 8.1-8.4
  • Salinity: 1.020-1.026 SG
  • Ammonia: 0 ppm
  • Nitrites: 0 ppm
  • Nitrates: <20 ppm

A stable environment with regular water changes is crucial for the health of your Platinum Clownfish. They thrive in well-established aquariums with plenty of live rock for hiding and grazing.

Incorporating a Platinum Clownfish into your marine aquarium not only adds a touch of elegance but also brings a piece of the ocean’s beauty into your home. With their striking appearance and engaging behavior, they are sure to be a centerpiece in any reef tank.

Fiji Skunk Clown Fish Amphiprion Perideraion<![CDATA[simstropicalfish]]>Fri, 05 Apr 2024 17:22:39 +0000<![CDATA[Fiji Skunk Clown Fish Amphiprion Perideraion Overview: The Fiji Skunk Clownfish, with its distinctive white stripe running from the nose to the top of the dorsal fin, is a vibrant and captivating species. This small yet spirited fish typically grows up to 4 inches in length, showcasing a pale pink to orange body that adds […]]]><![CDATA[

Fiji Skunk Clown Fish Amphiprion Perideraion

Overview: The Fiji Skunk Clownfish, with its distinctive white stripe running from the nose to the top of the dorsal fin, is a vibrant and captivating species. This small yet spirited fish typically grows up to 4 inches in length, showcasing a pale pink to orange body that adds a burst of color to any aquarium.

Origin: Native to the shallow lagoons and coral reefs of Fiji and the Western Pacific, Amphiprion perideraion thrives in warm, sheltered waters. Their symbiotic relationship with anemones is a marvel of nature, providing them with protection from predators while benefiting their host.

Feeding: Omnivorous by nature, the Fiji Skunk Clownfish requires a varied diet to maintain optimal health. A combination of high-quality marine flakes, frozen foods like mysis shrimp and brine shrimp, and occasional vegetable matter will ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.

Tank Mates: Ideal for a community tank, these clownfish get along well with most reef-safe fish and invertebrates. Avoid housing them with large, aggressive species that may see them as prey. Compatibility with other clownfish species varies, so careful consideration is necessary to prevent territorial disputes.

Aggression: Generally peaceful, the Fiji Skunk Clownfish can exhibit territorial aggression towards other clownfish, especially in smaller tanks. Providing ample space and hiding spots can minimize potential conflicts.

Experience Level: Suitable for aquarists of all levels, from beginners to experts. Their hardy nature and adaptability make them an excellent choice for those new to marine aquarium keeping.

Water Parameters: Thriving in water temperatures between 75-82°F (24-28°C), with a pH range of 8.1-8.4, and specific gravity of 1.020-1.025. Regular water changes and stable water conditions are essential for their well-being.

The Fiji Skunk Clownfish is a delightful addition to any marine aquarium, bringing both color and character to the underwater world. With their easy care and peaceful demeanor, they are sure to captivate both novice and experienced aquarists alike.

Tangerine Common Clown Fish Amphiprion Ocellaris<![CDATA[simstropicalfish]]>Fri, 05 Apr 2024 17:13:07 +0000<![CDATA[Tangerine Common Clown Fish Amphiprion Ocellaris Overview: The Tangerine Common Clownfish, a captivating variation of Amphiprion Ocellaris, is renowned for its vibrant tangerine-orange hue, elegantly contrasted with white stripes outlined in black. This species, belonging to the Pomacentridae family, not only adds a splash of color but also a touch of underwater harmony to any […]]]><![CDATA[

Tangerine Common Clown Fish Amphiprion Ocellaris

Overview: The Tangerine Common Clownfish, a captivating variation of Amphiprion Ocellaris, is renowned for its vibrant tangerine-orange hue, elegantly contrasted with white stripes outlined in black. This species, belonging to the Pomacentridae family, not only adds a splash of color but also a touch of underwater harmony to any marine aquarium. With a maximum size of around 3 to 4 inches, they are perfect for both novice and seasoned aquarists.

Origin: Native to the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific region, these clownfish thrive in coral reefs and lagoons. The Tangerine variant, while occurring naturally, has also been selectively bred in captivity for its distinctive coloration.

Feeding: Omnivores by nature, the Tangerine Common Clownfish requires a balanced diet of meaty foods and algae. They thrive on a variety of offerings, including high-quality frozen and live foods such as mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and a selection of marine flakes and pellets enriched with vitamins.

Tank Mates: Being peaceful in nature, they coexist well with a variety of reef-safe fishes and invertebrates. Ideal tank mates include smaller, non-aggressive species. Care should be taken to avoid housing them with large, predatory fish or those that exhibit territorial aggression.

Aggression: Typically, the Tangerine Common Clownfish exhibits minimal aggression. However, they may defend their territory or host anemone if they feel threatened. It’s advisable to keep them in pairs or small groups within larger tanks to minimize territorial disputes.

Experience Level: This species is well-suited for aquarists of all levels, from beginners to experts. Their hardy nature and adaptability to aquarium life make them an excellent choice for those new to marine aquarium keeping.

Water Parameters: To ensure the health and well-being of the Tangerine Common Clownfish, maintain water temperatures between 75-82°F (24-28°C), with a pH range of 8.1-8.4, and a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025. Regular water changes and monitoring of water quality are essential to replicate their natural habitat as closely as possible.

Embrace the beauty and serenity of the ocean by adding the mesmerizing Tangerine Common Clownfish to your marine aquarium today!

Yellow Band Maroon Clown Fish Premnas Biaculeatus<![CDATA[simstropicalfish]]>Fri, 05 Apr 2024 17:03:41 +0000<![CDATA[Yellow Band Maroon Clown Fish Premnas Biaculeatus Overview: The Yellow Band Maroon Clownfish is a striking and vibrant addition to any marine aquarium. Known for its deep maroon color complemented by a distinctive yellow band just behind the eye, this species adds both color and personality to the tank. The largest of all clownfish species, […]]]><![CDATA[

Yellow Band Maroon Clown Fish Premnas Biaculeatus


The Yellow Band Maroon Clownfish is a striking and vibrant addition to any marine aquarium. Known for its deep maroon color complemented by a distinctive yellow band just behind the eye, this species adds both color and personality to the tank. The largest of all clownfish species, it can grow up to 6 inches, making a bold statement in any setup.


Native to the Indo-Pacific region, the Yellow Band Maroon Clownfish is found in a variety of reef environments. This species is most commonly associated with the anemone Heteractis crispa, forming a symbiotic relationship that provides protection and housing.


Omnivorous by nature, the Yellow Band Maroon Clownfish thrives on a diet that includes both meaty foods and algae-based fare. Offer a variety of high-quality marine pellets, frozen foods like mysis shrimp and brine shrimp, and vegetable matter to ensure balanced nutrition.

Tank Mates:

While this species can be aggressive, especially towards other clownfish, careful selection of tank mates can lead to a harmonious aquarium. Compatible with a wide range of reef-safe fish and invertebrates, avoid housing with other species of clownfish or very small, timid fish that could be bullied.


Known for its bold demeanor, the Yellow Band Maroon Clownfish can exhibit territorial aggression, particularly when paired or during breeding. Providing ample space, hiding places, and avoiding overcrowded conditions can mitigate aggressive behavior.

Experience Level:

Due to its somewhat aggressive nature and specific care requirements, the Yellow Band Maroon Clownfish is recommended for intermediate to advanced aquarists. Familiarity with maintaining stable water parameters and managing fish behavior is advantageous.

Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: 74-82°F (23-28°C)
  • Salinity: 1.020-1.026 specific gravity
  • pH: 8.1-8.4

Maintaining stable water conditions is crucial for the health of the Yellow Band Maroon Clownfish. Regular water changes, along with monitoring of water quality parameters, will help ensure a thriving environment for this captivating species.

Marine Clowns – Sims Tropical Fish (2024)


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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.