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- Publication:
- The Commercial Appeali
- Location:
- Memphis, Tennessee
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- 8
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WATER GAUGES WERE CLOGGED 'V -i Ai -as-w''s PUMPS WERE TURNED ON AND THE BOILER LET GO' t'if' 'j I 1 THE NEWS OF A GREAT- STATE rfw -p swmis tmm 1 -r STATE PENSION SYSTEM ALLEGED T0 -HAVE BEEN' '-1 I y-s Proposed to Weed Out the Persons Now Drawing Money Without Good -s 1 THE COT-CREEDON CONTEST 9 I a a -v IT WILL nis rtLLED OFF TONIGHT i AT LONG 1M1AD CITViS! VV 4 -i- -a 'iMfrlcu lot So rroHOBacrd Fav-- orlte i Aptleipiiled When the Motch Vm Made But Still Hold the Kdgc Turf Event and General Sport that have not wpn a -sweepstake or twp races prlrfr to the time of entry six and-a half furlongs value 61200- The Mademoiselle stakes for 2-year-old fillies welling value 11200 The Premier stakes for2-year-olds one mile value (1200 i w- The Frank Fehr stakes for S-year-olds and upward selling- one mile value $1800 The Juvenile stakes for 2-year-olds selling five furlongs value $1200 NoteVI Stallion Dead LEXINGTON Ky Dec? 16 Frank Harper has lost by death his noted stallion Jlla Johnson- 21' years old by Longfellow dam Fannie Wells by imp To Loan bn'Tmproved 'Plantations In the 1 flllUVlal Districts 01 Mississippi Louisiana and Arkansas Our Rates Are as Low and Terms as Liberal as Any Company Doing Business in the South WRITE FOR PARTICULARS- The 'Middlesex Banking Company SUCCEEDING ITS FORMER AGENT CRAVES A VINTON COMPANY A CAUKBON Manager Odd Fellows Block Memphis Tena RAILWAY COMPANY to Florida vj CENTRAL OF GEOHGIA Mew Route FMt Through Schedule to KjMtern IdVe Memphis C-f h-' Lv Birmingham Arr Opelika Arr Columbus Are Macon Arr Albany Arr Savannah Arr Jacksonville Central of Central of Central of Central of Central of Central of Plant System aeo A Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Through Pullman Sleepera between St Louis and Jacksonville via Holly Springs Birmingham and Albany Close connections made at Savannah with superb freight and passenger steamers of tho Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah for New Yolk Boston and the East HINTON Traffic Manager HAILE General Passenger Agent SAVANNAH GA ZIBA BENNITT Commercial Agent 81 Continental Building Memphis Tennessee BROOKS NEELY CO WhOLItJALB GROCERS and COTTON i FACTORS )9 Elrootb 1 w-i IF YOU CANTiEIND IT AT You need look no further OUR VA8T Emporium is an epitome of the products from turret-to foundation stone it teems to overflowing with the choicest sadf best YOILHAVEno time to waste (but' six more' days until Christmas take no chances wlth us not be dlsap pointed -riJ OUR BIG CLOAK SALE -V Is bringing hundreds of people: to Mem1 phis from neighboring towns When they see what we are giving them they are well pleased with their trip City ladles must not delay the selection of Capes or Jackets Buy nov while you' can get sizes and styles to suit exactly Two Elevators Constantly': Running to Toy Floor Furniture and Chlnaware should not be selected In a rush Come today 1 If possible Everything is laid out before you so have no trouble to select1 'QUO 25c We received 200 copies yesterday Advise coming early today as this great novel sells on sight at 25c pending- If the prohibitionists win the esse -before the Supreme Court there wlll not be a single tral road In Mississippi whereat the thirsty traveler can regale himself Personal A Stone of Greenville Is In the city Proctor tax assessor of Attala county Is in the city-on official business Lamar Lodge Knights of Pythias elected the- following officers last night: I Jones Dr Penn Rust prelate: Moore A Morrison Jones of and 8: Fuller CundefT I H' Libo Moore and McK Fulgham trustees They will have a ban quet and installation of officers January A Chancellor Complimented RIPLEY Miss Dec At a bar held today the following were unanimously adopted: "Whereas This Is the- last term of tha Chancery Court of Tippah county that will be held by the present' chancellor Hon Kimbrough: therefore be It "Resolved by the bar of Ripley That desire to publicly testify to his eminent qualifications as a leasnsd impartial upright Judge combining to a marked degree vast legal learning and -the tern- Kr: his decisions have: been characterised justice and have well stood the test of the Appellate Court further -Thai we as individual members of the bar bearwilling testimony to his considerate and courteous demeanor on the bench and give public expression to our appreciation of the many courtesies ided r-on the minutes of the courts as a memorial of our appreciation of hlS'Jmerlts and that the -'local newspapers -sad Memphis Com- I be mercial'Appea requested to publish Colored Conference BATESVILLE Dec! (SpeclaLy-The thirtieth session of (the -West Tennessee and Mississippi Annual conference of the African Methodist Episcopal 3Sion church convened in Batesvllle-Miss' this' morning at 10 o'clock-Bishop QW Clinton presiding He is only 29 years of age He was elected bishop in 1896 He- was born reared and educated in- South Carolina His solution of the vexed negro problem is educate accumulate and supplicate The conference elected the following officers: Secretary Rev Cooper? assistant secretary Rev Carter It Is the oldest branch of negro Methodism In the world It has elghty-two presiding elders 4000 traveling ministers 500000 members and nine bishops A publication house In Charlotte a book concern in New York city the Star of Zion tho church organ and seventeen institution of learning The connection has planted and is fostering -churches in nearl every State In the Union and in Africa owns 170000 worth of property VC 1 1 New 'Paper Road COLUMBUS Dec 16 (Special) The stockholders of the Columbus Fulton Sk Northern Railway met at the office of ex-Judge Newman Cayce In this city today and effected permanent organisation by electing tha following board oLdirectors: Hon Newman Cayce president: general- counsel W'-Buchanan: vice-president Senter secretary Walker: David Johnson Franklin Walker Fitzgerald and Thomas projected line of the new road is -from this city to Nashville Tenn via Fulton Miss and Pittsburg Landing Tenn rv Notice Beginning Sunday- December 5 the Louisville Nashville Railroad will leave Memphis at 8:20 pm instead of 11:40 pm as heretofore arriving at Louisville 7:40 am and -Cincinnati 11:50 am carrying'- through sleeper to Cincinnati and coaches to Louisville making direct connection in union stations for Eastern and' Northern points Through sleeper and' coach to Nashville via McKenzie route will also be continued on this train as heretofore Train leaving Memphis at 1 in the afternoon will run as heretofore arriving at Nashville 10 pm and Cincinnati at 7:05 am making direct connections east and northeast For further information call at city ticket office 291 Main street Depot corner Main and Auction MAX BAUMGARTEN Passenger Agent 1 Q- 'Consult Louisville A Nashville time tables beginning Sunday December 6 noting Important change iu time leaving Memphis and arriving at Louisville Cincinnati and the East -N JV- SLEEPING CAR LINE Memphis to Jacksonville Fla via rrK Cf Jk Hm aad Soatk- era Railway The IC in connection' with the Southern Railway and operates dally a Pullman sleeping car Memphis to Jacksonville Fla via Birmingham and Everett Ga without change -This sleeper leaves Memphis 6:30 am leivea Birmingham 4:15 pm arrive Atlanta 10:30 pm arrive Jacksonville 9:45 the next morning returning this sleeper will Jeave Jacksonville 73)5 pm arrive Ailanta 4:45 am arrive Birmingham am' sand arrive Memphis 930 pm This is the only line Memphis to Jacksonville without change'- -O We do not like our competitors Our shoes and price sa speak for themselves --c Coleman-Howze Shoe Co 234 Main Street 1 O'- Pianos Second-hand pianos from (1500 up New pianos for (17500 fully guaranteed Baldwin- Sk Co 239 Main i 1 HiJO-i Prominent 'r People Patronize Practical Plumbers Browne A Borum Co 254 Second Street i Christmas Gltty Elegant line and warm Slippers Price to please JM HILDA CO-' 1 1 Two -LI (res Lost 'Almost Instantly and Two' Other Men Were Badly Scalded Mill Property Tara to Ar-'kaasas News i--r-'fir v' 'j'-t-i-'- s' i Arkansas Bureau The Commercial Appeal Capital Hotel Building -r' Little Rock Ark Dec 16 1897 A boiler' explosion occurred at the mill owned by Stobaugb A Jennings at Choctaw Van Iiuren county resulting in the loss of two liven the scalding of two other persons ana the damaging of considerable property The water gauges became clogged ana the boiler ran dry Fireman Preeie turned on the pumps and an explosion fol lowedt The -thirty-foot boiler was torn to pieces and wheels belting pipes and iron rods-filled the air Several men were standing in the boiler-room among them being Thomas Treadway who was almost instantly killed Joshua Huggins also sustained wounds fr om which he died Fireman Presley and Sam Burnett were also wounded -v "Another Womaa Colonel Gov- Jones today Instructed Adjutant-General Neill to issue a commission to Miss Emma Whittington of Hot Springs as an honorary colonel of the Arkansas Reserve Militia Miss Whittington is a prominent society young lady of the famous health resort This and the Tennessee and Georgia appointments are the only three of the kind In the South Had a Close CalL Col Godman president 'of the Arkansas Central road in charge of construction and Conductor Collins of the railway came very near losing their Uvea Wednesday by a very unusual but natural accident says the Fort Smith Sun The train consisted of five flat cars loaded with rails a box car tender and locomotive and was backing down the line of the new track Col Godman and Conductor Cpl-lins were standing on top of the box car and while crossing the Texas road ran into a telephone wire and were against it before they knew it Catching them unawares they were both knocked off the car and fortunately fell into the tender Instead of between the wheels Col Godman received severe bruises about the head by the fall and Conductor Collins was Injured in one of his legs They were both thankful however at not falling under the wheels and being crushed to death The gentlemen were not seriously hurt and their physicians think they will be good as new in a few days Coming to Little Rock The Pine Bluff Graphic says-: Rev Tate who recently resigned his pastorate of the First Baptist Church of this city went up to Little Rock this morning to inuke arrangements for his removal to that city It is understood that Mr Tate will engage in State evangelical work with headquarters in Little Rock He will return to the city tonight to administer the ordinance of baptism to a member of his late Nearing Yellvllle The surveyors when last heard from were near Lee's mountain coming this way and will in all probability camp ln-Yell-ville this week From all that can be learned it appears that this survey Is making aa straight aa it can for Morning Star mine Hero it Is supposed to connect with road being built out from St Paul as Morning -Star mine also seems to be the destination for that road This will give Yellvllle the benefit of the' main line and at the same time cause the road to pass directly through the center of the mining Yellvllle Echo Turning Up a Hideous Crime Sheriff McAndrew of Benton county left Little Rock this afternoon for El Paso with a requisition from Gov Jones for the delivery of A Massey who Is under indictment for the- murder of James Burgen and Abbe Burgen his wife The crime was committed on the night of June 20 1897 The two were found murdered in their bed on- the morning of July SO their heads terribly mangled and crushed They had been married only six months Suspicion rested upon Massey a young man living la the neighborhood but he 14ft the- State about September before an investigation could be made by the grand 'ury- This heightened the suspicion against lim A true bill was returned by tha grand Jury charging him with -murder- In the Srst degree He -finally located at El Paso where he in now in jail awaiting the arrival of the officer Only a week ago three brothers Jake Verge and Will Kellar were arrested and looked up Qn indictments charging them with Complicity in the same crime Judge Taylor at Oseeola The Little Rock Democrat says: "The Democrat is Informed that Hon Taylor judge of the Second judicial circuit omitted in his charge to the Mississippi county grand jury last week to say anything jot the recent lynching at Osceola We trust this Information Is Incorrect for clearly It was- the duty of Judge Taylor to charge the Jury to especially- investigate this crime and his failure to do so would be an indication that the court was not very deeply Interested In punching those who were Implicated If a lynching had occurred in any other circuit Just prior to the convening of the Circuit Court we venture that the judge presiding would have Instructed the grand Jury to exercise diligent efforts to discover the lynchers and to indict them' It is true no doubt that the negro Phillips who was lynched In Mississippi county had committed murder and deserved to expiate the crime with his life but if a mob is to take the law in its own hands and go unrebuked there is no reason why it should not punish all In short act as Judge Jury and executioner In all-offenses' Of what use Is Judge court if such' a condition Is to prevail? If a trial In the courts Is not to be accorded the criminals of Mississippi county whs should the taxpayers be required to maintain a criminal -Arkansas Berry Industry As an- experiment the Welis-Fargo Express Company Is having built ten first-class refrigerator cars ones that will be used only for the transportation of such perishable shipments needing refrigeration Local Agent Harrison has been notified of the new departure also that they expected to first use them In the handling of the Crawford county berry crop during the shipping season of 1898 as they received a sufficient amount of berries- at times last yeaT to fill such cars and expect to do even better another year 1 The line will be known a the Blue Line and if successful the coqipany will put on several hundred Van Buren Argus Brief Mention Postmaster Holt has returned from a flying business trip to Chicago -The-case of George Glenn Indicted 'for the murder of Peck--was called In the Pulaski Circuit Court today -The second session of the State Association of Circuit and County Clerks was called to order shortly before noon today -W Goodwin who represented Bradley county in the legislature of 1895 and Miss Sue Meek at Warren will be married in that city on December 22 Bush the affable Circuit clerk of Phillips county Is attending the convention reult ana county Averlll of Nashville Tenn Capital Hotel guest today frank Place the veteran clerk of Garland county Is In the city today Will COte the well-known young Jonesboro collector la in tha city today Farrar McCain one of Little best known and most successful young attorneys Is In Columbia Tenn on business Hanco*ck the- welb-known Shreveport La Inventor is In Little Rock today Chrisp who represented White county in the last legislature being elected' on-the Populist ticket stated to The Commercial Appeal correspondent today that he would very likely present his claims before the next Democratic State convention for the office of land commissioner Private Secretary Arthur Nelli of the office-Is visiting at his old home In-Batesvllle-today On account or sickness In his family Gov Jones remained at his home today Senator Monroe Smith of Union author of -the bill granting the SpringHel Little Rock A Gulf road the ex tensive land grant is in the city today Forrest City Briefs FORREST CITY Dec- Chancery Court opened Its session in this city yesterday- Owing to the Illness of the wife of Chancellor Robertson of Wynne that gentleman was unable to be present and the -session Is presided over y-Special Chancellor John Gatting Mr Gattlng was elected by his brother attorneys to preside over the city which trust most efficient and he Is discharging in -a satisfaCtoPV nMoheE'- -Hon Williams le 3 oh Williams levee board attorney fetuined from Osceola- where he spent several days tn the Circuit Court- Some fifteen or sixteen suits In ejectment against citizens of the town who nave encroached ipon the levee with their buildings and in-loaurea were disposed of The encroachers claimed the land upon which the old State levee was built ana denied the levee board the right' to enter upon such land and town lota either repair or rebuilt the levee The suit against Driver as one of the defendants was selected as a test case-it evolving all tha questions raised 4n all the Auditor 4 Moy Investigation Recommend nn Mississippi Bureau The Commercial Appeal Harding-Building Jackson Miss Dec -16 -1897 Nearly all are aware or what abuses haye crept Into the distribution of Federal pen-aloqs It is a well known fdet that as the years wax and wane the list of applicants is constantly on the Increase- Casual wounds stray bullet hurts rheumatism contracted from sleeping without 'cover on the' tented field all afford a legitimate excuse to tbo war-worn patriots to help diminish the national surplus Pension frauds and scandals have been by no means Infrequent 1 as a natural consequence' This Is what people have been trained to expect down here from the Federal government in tbis mat- ter but for the first time they are confronted with the suspicion that possibly our own State skirts are not of the most immaculate whiteness The State distribution of pensions to -disabled Confederates and the widows of Confederates Is so small as hardly to tempt the cupidity of any one Yet according to the appended extract from the Natchez Democrat there are those who wax fat on the princely pension of 217 per year without any legitimate title to it It Is hardly probable however that in this State where so many worthy ex-Con-federates are receiving no aid whatever it would be possible for any considerable number of frauds to foist themselves as pensioners upon the bounty of the State: are told that some abuses have crept Into the applications for and distribution of pensions in the State of Mississippi There are said to be a number of 'persons on the rolls receiving this gratuity who have no need of it who 'are abundantly able to live without It -nd who by applying for and receiving their pro rata snare in the distribution of the moneys appropriated by the State for this purpose deprive many really Indigent persons of a considerable share of this gratuity that they are honestly entitled to anH should receive The whole humber of applications for Confederate pensions that have been favorably passed upon for the year Is 4400 and this cuts the sum distributed to each beneficiary down to the comparatively- Insignificant figure of $17-" This matter should oe made by the next legislature and steps be taken to exclude from the limited bounty those who are not actually dependent or indigent and who can subsist without' tho gratuity As matters now stand we dare say the real object of the intentions In the premises Is being defeated and practices are springing up that somewhat resemble those existing in the matter of the Federal This much is certain that the number of pensions is constantly on the increase as the following flgureswill show: Number Pen- Appropriation by sioners Fro Rata 976 (2100 -w (21000 1176 1785 21000 2386 80000 2316 80000 8225 7 64200 2075 64200 2800 67500 2000 67500 1875 75000 1700 75000 that Jn 1888 there Year 1889 1890 1284 1891 1295 1892 1990 1898 2943 1894 2500 1895 8466 3896 3963 4400 will be observed were only 976 pensioners and in 1897 there are 4(00 Now the phenomenal increase is due not to any increase in the number of veterans as is the case in Federal matters of this kind but on account of the rapid increase of widows A young girl 16 years of age who marries an aged veteran is entitled to his State pension as his widow upon his demise "It is anticipated that Auditor Holder recommend In his forthcoming report that this matter be looked into It is not the purpose to deprive any one justly entitled to this money of nls pension -for veterans and aged -indigent widows the amount given each year- is all too small- But it is thought that by weeding-out a few-who draw this amount without colorable title the pro rata may be Increased to those who remain The number of pensioners has kept pace with the Increased legislative appropriations in fact of late -years it has gotten so far in advance' that an appropriation in 1888 of (21000 yielded a pro rata of about 221 while In 1897 an appropriation -of $75000 yields only a pro rata of $17 a Pardon tar Berry The governor yesterday pardoned negro named Berry sent up from Simpson county for three years on a charge of burglary Against Parchasiag Streets' i Petitions are being circulated this morning and also being numerously- signed the city new thor- the plan of the council to purchase streets through the lots of property-holders and the petition sets forth that the city is In no condition at present' to pay out thousands of dollars for the purchase of streets It recommends that new streets be opened' only where the land la donated by the owners Convicts for Public There is no doubt that In time the abolition of the system of leasing out convicts On the county farms will follow as the logical result of the abolition of the State convict lease system- While the county system has no such record of barbarities as the convict lease system of the different States has had yet It has another equally palpable- disadvantage in the fact that it pay financially There Is realy no reason under the sun why the county convicts could tvot be worked in such a way as to pay but this has net been the case up to the present -time If the system In vogue at present yield -the best financial results there are many other experiments that should be tried before the thing is given up as hopeless Upon this subject the able editor of the Herakd- says: Ji one year ago the Herald reviewed this question and pointed out the practicability and advantages of working the con-yicts on the public roads over the old lease system At present they are a buruemto the county They lend additional weight to the already heavily-laden shoulders of tax-payers The board lets them out to the county -contractor at a less-rate than it actually pays the convict- In other words It pays the criminal more for his la bor than It receives from the contractor For escaped (and many of them do escape) and Invalid convicts the county gets no return-still it must foot the bill for-the court cost It costs thousands of dollars each year to keep the bridges and culverts of the county in repair and even with this vast sum expended many of them ce to civilisation Many of time are -actually are a dlsgrai them at the present impassable and they are not now as badly dilapidated as they will be when winter is further advanced and the condition of many of the roads in this county la such as should bring a blush of shame to the cneeka of those charged with the duty of their care "The convicts should be made to remedy this condition Sawmills could be established and every foot of lumber needed by: the county could be supplied thus bringing the lumber bill down to the actual cost of production 'AH the-bridges culverts levees and public roads of the -county could be placed In excellent and: lasting condition and we believe' at a much less rate than It costs under the present system The board of supervisors should con skier this question It has grown to be a serious 'ana vital issue and will not down until its proper Sixteenth Section' Case A case of considerable -Interest has re- centfy been decided at-Columbus It Involved the old dispute as to the -sixteenth section and will-doubtless settle a point that those who reside upon these sections have been long anxloua to have authoritatively determined The -test case arose In this-manner: Street and other citizens and taxpayers of the city and county filed a bill In Chancery asking that the city and county be restrained from the collection of all taxes on property In the sixteenth section on the ground that it was leasehold prop erty an a was therefore not subject to taxation- The bill was demurred -to by the city and county' and after hearing the-arguments of able counsel on both sides of the question Chancellor Byrd sustained the demurrer and dismissed both bills on Monday evening -y- Grssdsleee of as Iodlao Chief- Superintendent of Education Klncannon today licensed Belle Gilbert who is a grand-niece of Greenwood Leflore a noted Indian chief afterward- State- to teach in the Choctaw schools of Mississippi Mrs Gilbert is also a grand-daughter of Pierre Juran who was himself a noted Indian In his time --til Local Cotton l-' -The local option-case from Madison counity will -probably -be tried thlo week -before the Supreme Court This case Is interesting at manr iny people outside of the county ted by the discussion on account- of the principle involved- The status of the case at present la as The election to determine whether Madison 1 county would go dry was very dose but the board of supervisors decided that the prohibitionists had won The antis thereupon appealed and In the Circuit Court won tBeir case- The board then appealed to the Supreme Court before whom It is at present NEW YORK Dec The moot important middleweight -battle fought In thta vicinity olnce the day when'Jack Dempsey Johnny Regan George La blanche and other Sing notable struggled for championship onors will be decided in the arena of the Long Inland City Athletic Club tomorrow -night The contest means much to these men because the middleweight championship of the world and a purse- of 67500 are involved Each man appears supremely con-? fldent of the result and as both are reported to be in the best of physical condition a great battle is expected McCoy Is -unquestionably the' best middleweight In -America while' Qreedon is the best Australian now flghtlngjn tbs neighborhood of 108 pounds Both 1 men have many friends McCoy's being slightly in the majority When the match was made three months to many good judges were of the opinion uld enter the ring a 2 rago many -that McCo enter the ring a 2 to 1 favorite and the fact that the odds of only 10 to 8 are laid against chances Indicate the high regard in which be la held by the wise ones Creedon and McCoy are as unlike in their style of lighting as two men could possibly bo The Australian Is short and chunky while the American la tall and wiry -Creedon is of the old school of boxing He fights on the hurricane order' and depends more on the force of his blows than (science to win a fight He likes to fight at short range and his usual point of attack is his opponent's body He can hit a terrific blow- and the Australian's friends believe' that his ability to strike effectively will give him a victory over the On the other hand McCoy Jlkes to fight at long range believing In Jabbing his opponent and -gradually wearing him down He does' not believe In taking any chances end Is not noftr so effective et in-flghtlng os he Is at long range: style of fighting resembles Corbett's Governor Will Not 'Interfere ALBANY-N Dec The Rev Chas Park and Rufus Terry df Long Island City argued in vain with Gov Black today to have him stop the Creedon-McCoy fight which Is scheduled to take place at that 1 city tomorrow night The- governor said that It was not for him to assume that the law was to be violated- because the 'local 'powers did not choose- ter indicate 'lb the public In' advance whatwqulcl be done in case the law should be violated- How then in this case could he' as governor know that a fight advertised as a glove contest was to be a prise fight RACING RESU LTS Lively Action nt Yew Orleans NEW ORLEANS Dec The track had dried out to fair condition today and tha racing was the best of the meeting so far Tommy Burns again carried off the riding honors landing three winners Dr Work Taksnassee and Royal Choice the two latter well supported were the beaten favorites and the ring had the better of the transactions Summaries: First Selling six furlongs Sedan 92 (T Burns) 6 to 1 first Alice 90 to 1 and 2 to 1 second Dr- Work 100 (R Campbell) 2-to 1 third Time Brother Fred Brighton Nikita Bob White Hano Belle Slkin Jersey Lad Springtime Tern and Oxark Jr also ran Second Five furlongs French Gray HIS (Burns) 7 to 1 first Chiffon 105 (L Smith) 20 to 1 and 6 to 1 second Eleanor Holmes 105 (C Combs) 9 to 5 third Time Scrivener Galileo Kitholln Perspec tive' Caddie The Editor Black Chris and CHrnage also ran Third Belling six furlongs John Boone 102 (Akers) -15 to 1 first Eton Jacket 1(6 (C Combs) 2 to 1 and to 6 second Jane- 106 (Wilhite) 12 to 1 third Time A1 Lone Tak-annssee Ter ramie Everest Easter Eve Charlotta La Moore and also ran Roy Lochlet pulled -up at the head of the stretch' Fourth Thirteen-sixteenths of" a mile- Sligo 105 (T Rurns) 2 to 5 first A Gray 109 (Scherrer) 8 to 5 and 1 to 2 second Sallle Cliquot lid (C Combs) 6 to 1 third Time 1:25 2-4 Alamo and Miss Rowett also ran Fifth Selling one mile and a sixteenth Tom Elmore 109 (Van Diisen) 2 to 1 first Billy McKenxIe 102 (Aker) 6 to 1 and 2 to 1 second Xicollni 97 (C Combs) 6 to 1 third Time 2:04 2-4 Alva Royal Choice Optimus Pa ulus Favorine Proverb Terra net and BaaJ Gad also ran Entries for Fri(l- Entries for Friday: First Three-quarters of a' mile purse Eton Jacket 102 BUI Arnett 105 Elkin Fervor 107: Fallax 100 Brighton 104 Itushfield Full llapd Impctro Ai Kyris Teeta May 102 Second Selling one mile Mr Hunt 90 St Raymond 93 May Clarkson Ieura May 97 Dudley PS Siva 102 Volutantc 106 Seaport 104 Third Seven and a half furlongs selling Jolly Son 98 Galgo 98 Lie wanna 08 John Sullivan 100 Blacking Brush 101 Springtime Laura Cotta Momus Con Reagan 101 St Leo 104' Boose 105 Tranby 107 Fourth Seven and a half furlongs selling Mellle 96 Giojo 99 Vlscouut 101 I libei-nla Queen Gaston 101 Evanatus 102 Oracle 103 Tradition 104 Cherry Ieaf 105 Rustup 107 Alamo 107 Berclalr 109 Ben WRdctell 111 Fifth One mile purse Steve Ciollnl 89 Jim (Jonway 90 Dave 90 Lucy 94 Ronnie Belle 95 Tago 96 Mace 97 Elyria 99 Ovation Repeater Hot Stuff 104 Beatlflce 107 Qet There Verdi 107 -t At Oakland BAN FRANCISCO Dec Weather today was deaf and track slow -at Oakland Results: First Raref-t-Setiing five and a half furlongs Castake 96 (Devin) 10 -to won Aluminum 96 (J Woods) 2 to 1 and 4 to 5 second i Uncle True 102 (Hobart) 15 to 1 third Time 1:11 Itertha Ocean Blue Tenrlca Baa Carlos- Otitlay 'Moran Al Grt SUig Wlng nlsoran' -vi Second Selling One mlle Dick Tlis-an 105 (CHawson) (o 6 'wonr Ckkdd 102 (E han Jones) and It Algon alsoran Third Selling mile and a sixteenth Free Iady 107 (II Marlin) 2 to 1 won Yule 95 (Gray) 8 to 1 and 2 to 1 second La -Go-leta 104 (Plggott) 4 to 5' third Time 1-10 Greenback II Rebel Jacket Tolo Socialist and Al Koran also ran Fourth High weight handicap seven furlongs Spun well 113 (Clawson) 25 to 1 won Bliss Rucker 115 (Thorpe) 8 to 5 and second- Horatio 120 (V Martin)'5 to Bi 1 third Time 1 -JO Mainstay Rubicon and Flashlight also ran Fifth Selling one mile Perseus 109 (H Martin) 8 to 2 won Santussa 106 (Pig- 6 to 1 and 2 to 1 second: Meadow rk 102 (II Brown) to 1 third 1:45 Queen Sufle Song and Dance Wa-wona and Charles Collins also ran Sixth Seven furlongs Osric II 105 (Thorpe) Hot won: Sly 99 (Gray) 8 to 1 and 2 to 1 second Myth 104 (Conley) 8 to'l third Time 1:80 Rafaela Los Carrillos Alvin The Plutocrat Break o' Day and Fortuna also ran The Ijoalsvllle Stakes IOUI8VILLN Ky Dec Secretary Price of the New Louisville-Jockey Club today announces the stakes for tha next spring me Derby da spring meeting The meeting will begin on Derby day 3Vedneday May 4 -and continue fifteen days 3 ednesday May 4 and will teen days This is three days longer than usual Eleven stakes -will be run during tha meeting a greater percentage than Is given by any other track In the country Besides the Kentucky Derby 66000 the Clark stakes (4000 aiKl the Kentucky Oaks 63000 which have already been dosed the following stakes are opened en-- tries to which close on January 13: The Debutante stakes for 2-year-old fillies four furlongs: value L3U0 -The W'enonah slake for J-yeap-old colts and geldings'-four and a half furlongs: Value S1800 The Louisville handicap for 2-year-olds and upward one mile value $1500 1 The Blue Grass stakes for 2-year-olds MEDIC1L iTREITMEIIT To Any Reliable ManT sms 'Of mdvanet Mymf af world tn the treat went eoanuied frost effects i Work ka llappy narrliw taco red eoapMi ro-: Sovereign second dam Reel by Imp Glencoe Jlls Johnson was-a great race horse and sired many good performers among them being Jacobin Faithful Jllsey and others of Tesser note 'He will: be burled by the side of his noted sire i i CONVICT AND COLORED LABOR TWO DIUXIXO QCE8TIONS 'BEFORE THE FEDERATION' OF LABOR 0tf -'ll re '-Vjiv Southwlck Bill foe Congress on' the First Named Subject Is 1 Approved Booker AVashlngtou Given a Live-ly Toaeh-l'p 7 Nashville -Trnn Dec' The American Federation of Labor met today in 4 adjourned session One of the most important -reports of the -session wgs that of the special committee en convict labor: It was the sense of the committee that' the employment' of convict labor should be primarily for self-support and at the furtherest for the making of goods which should bo used in State Institutions The Southwick bill which '-is to be Introduced before congress embodies the (dess of the committee' and it Is recommended that it be sanctioned by the Federation' During the afternoon session George Warner explained that he had no ill-will toward President Gompers in bringing to the attention -of the Federation the advertisem*nt of Siegel Cooper Co in the Federatlonlst The-Negro Question' The negro question occupied the major portion of the session and a heated discussion was brought on by a resolution introduced by Henry Lloyd reaffirming the declarations of the Federation that all labor without regard to color is welcome to its denouncing as untrue In fact the reported statements of Booker Washington that the trade unions were placing obstacles in the way of the material advancement jof the negroes and appealing to the records of Federation conventiona -as complete answers -to such false assertions This resolution caused much spirited dfccusglon Delegaty Jones of Augupta Ga fepoke claiming tnat the white laborer could not compete with the negro laborer though organization would Improve conditions materially President Gompers took part in the discussion explaining that the movement was not-against the negro laborer but against the cheap laborer and that the textile workers of thfe East had compelled to contribute of their means to teach laborers in the South the- benefits of organisation He also made the point that the capitalists would profit by the failure of negro laborers to organize thus making the negro an Impediment to labor movements Henry Lloyd said he did not ask white laborers to take negroes into their homes but true trade unioniaim did not ask questions as to color that the intention of the resolution was not to bring up the question of the color line but it was against the words of Booker Washington- that the resolution 1 was aimed Warmed to His Snbject Fahey a Nashville delegate Insisted that the negro was1 not the- equal of the white man socially or industrially: He grew warm in speaking of President remarks regarding the negro in the labor movement and stated that the president had not revoked the commission of a national organiser who had patronised a non-union white barber shop in preference 1 to a union negro barber shop The organizer had simply been -allowed to resign and no publicity had' been given the matter In answer to a question desiring the nane -of the party Fahey -stated it was Jesse Johnson president of the printing union James and McGuire spoke for the resolution The latter insisted that Booker Washington was attempting to put the negro before the public as the victim of gross injustice and himself as the Moses of the race Ratchford insisted that drawing the color line would be an almost fatal blow- to the miners' organization Mahon charged that Jones was not a representative of Southern trades unionism having just Joined the ranks Jones then in his own defense declared he did not oppose the negro but did contend that the negro laborer was lower than the white citing an Atlanta case where whites and blacks had been Jointly employed and the whites struck He wanted to know If there had been any efforts made in the East to organise Chinese' who came in conflict with union laborers President Gompers then ruled that dischsslon must cease The resolution which had caused the heated debate was adopted and the delegates went Into executive session attire McKenna Nominated for the 'layreme Court Bench -WASHINGTON Dec 16-The president today sent the following nominations to the senate: Joseph McKenna of California to be associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United' States Charles Dawes of Illinois to be comptroller of the currency Court of Private Land Joseph Reed of Iowa to be chief Justice Wm Murray of 1 Tennessee Thomas Fuller of North Carolina Slugs of Kansas and Stone of Colorado to be associate justices reappointments their terms expiring December 31 1897 Not Mere Foot Covers But easy comfortable- stylish shoes SHOES that are CORRECT That's what we sell and that's what up-to-date people want and we draw heavy on pocketbooks: either Tidwell Cuts the Price First-Class Service to Nashville and the Southeast For Naishville Chattanooga' Atlanta and the Southeast the Nashville Chat-tarmoga St Louis Railway offers excellent service Two trains daily via this line with Pullman Palace sleepers on night trains Trains leave depot corner Broadway and Main at 11:55 am and 9:00 pm Secure your sleeping car accommodations at city ticket office No 314 Main etreet or call up division passenger office telephone 807 'r 1 Xdw is the time to ship in your furs and hid6s- Scheiblcr Co 206 Front street pay best prices is GREECE RATIFIES Treaty of Peace With Turkey Is Noiv i r-' Accomplished CONSTANTINOPLE Dee A dispatch from Athens received today' announces that- the treaty-' of peace between Turkey' and Greece- has been ratified by King George and that It wili bB dispatched today by- a special steamer to this cit LOUISVILLE Ky Dee Louis All-man was arrested today on a charge of embezzling (16000 from Charles Rosenheim St Co wholesale china merchants lor whom he was confidential clerk An examination of the- books alleged to show a series of embezzlements extending over seven sr eight years and may reach $25000 Alabama aad Southwest Georgia eaaea-a 9:00 pm 6:30 am 4 -OS pm 8:45 pm 10 -00 pm 1:20 am 7:30 am 9:40 am 2:25 pm 3:49 pm 7 2S pm 6:00 am A COMPLETE LINE JUST RECEIVED Tie Best Sclool Sloes ON THE MARKET eriwether Shoe Co 315 MAIN STREET Union and Planters Bank of Memphis December 9' 1897' Stockholders of Union and Planters Bank of Memphis are hereby notified that an election to choose a board of directors to serve tbe ensuing year will be held in the directors room of said bank on Monday January 10 1898 from 12 to 2 pm 8 READ President-' NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF MEMPHIS GROCERY COMPANY BONDS Notice Is hereby given to holders of Mcm- Shlfl Grocery Company bonds that said onds are now called and will be paid on presentation at the National Bank of Commerce Memphis on December 21 1897 and that the interest on said bonds will cease-after that date MEMPHIS GROCERY COMPANY By Dorion Sec and Treas December 15 1897 Mothers! Mrs Soothing Syrup has been lilions teething It soothes the child srft- with perfect success It soothes the child softens the gums allays all pain cures wind ccllc and la the best remedy for Diarrhoea Sold by druggists In every part of the orld Be sureand ask for Wins low's Soothing and take no ether kind 25 cents a bottle NVheo Others rail Consolt DR TROYER S4S Mala St MEMPHIS TENN At the same office where he has been for years all chronic nervous AND PRIVATE DISEASES Kkin KiJney-and Bladder and Female Dls- Spermatorrhea I potency Nervous Do hiiitv caused by abuse or age made a ape-ciaire FAT weight reduced without Injury tomaith WHltTfl'ltBS AKTEKrtirmanently gurodLL JFR va are prombtlv cured Consultation and exam-nation free and confidential Thousands cured at home through correspondence Medicine sent everywhere Bend accurate written statements Inclose stamp for reply and receive opinion and 7 jss Dr- TROYER us Mat Itn1 anruii nn killed by an officer Who was in pursuit of him Kly Wheel Bursts PITTSBURG Pa Dec One man was -killed one fatally injured and 'a number of others slightly hurt by' tbo bursting of a fly-wheel at the South Third street plant of the Oliver Irpn and Steel Company- at an early hour this mornipg -r i z- Memphis Steooi Laundry Latest style: No rloas Elastic finish Low rate excursions to Arkansas Texas and the West via Iron Mountain Route November 16 December 7 and 2L One fare for the round trip plus 3200 Address Wilson 314 Main street corner Monroe Memphis Steam Lamudry Try our rew process Collars' last four times as long than by old way No gloss suits his Improvements on several lots encroaching on the levee The case was submitted to a Jury and after argument the verdict was rendered in favor of the board Eloplag Couple Spilled HAMBURG Dee An elopement took place from Parkdale yesterday which came very near having a tragic ending George Morris aged 20 and Miss Lille Dade 17 years old were the princL lIs The couple started with a team and iggy for Bastrop La but when some miles out from Parkdale their horse took fright and ran away The vehicle was torn to pieces Morris and the young bride-elect were thrown to the ground and narrowly escaped death Undaunted however by the accident Morris procured another team and outfit and the couple tontlnued their flight heading for Merrouge La at which place they were married- The groom ts a son of John Morris a prominent business man of Parkdale the bride being a daughte of Sidney Dade a well-known citizen of this county Cnmdeo Callings CAMDEN Dec The argument in the Sheppard murder case was concluded at 7 tonight by Sam Taylor of Pine Bluff Tbe entire day has been taken up by the argument of the case The courtroom has been full of spectators all day The Jury will hardly reach a verdict tonight Charlie Pope and Miss Lydia Frasier were married at the house of the bride in this place tonlgbt at 8 Rev Maury officiating A- Household Blessed PINE BLUFF Dec Mr and Mrs Allison are the happiest couple In town This morning a boy and a came to them Both children are healthy and pretty Mr Allison is a dumb mute and Mrs Allison is semi -dumb and utterly deaf Mr Allison has been for three years a car builder at the shops A Palestine Fire FORREST CITY Dec The mercantile- house and contents of- Banks Wilkerson Sk Co at Pule-" by fire' last night Loss $4o00 The stock of goods was msureu inv through the agency of George Taylor 4b Co of this city 'Jail Breaker Coptared- PIXB BLUFF Dec Two of the escaped prisoners from jail last night were with the aid of bloodhounds captured this morning A TRIPLE MURDERER HANGED HIS CRIME ONE OF ALTOGETHER UNUSUAL ATROCITY notebered Three Members of Family That Had Treated Him os One of Them Bat Foiled to Flolsh a Foarth sad Thereby Lost Oat RIPLEY Va Dec John "Morgan was hanged here this afternoon The drop fell without any unusual incidents except that Morgan broke down during the forenoon and spent the time crying He recovered so as to go on the scaffold with composure The triple crime for which John Morgan also known as John Raines was hanged today was one of the most remarkable in the history -of this State and attracted wide attention not only on account of the unusual brutality of tho murders -but -from the fact that there was na apparent motive for the deed the family he destroyed having been his benefactor wince childhood' The trial and conviction was notable for the fact that within three days after the murder Morgan had been captured in dieted tried convicted and sentenced in pursuance of Judge Reese iromise to the populace clamoring for a lynching that If ihe mob would disperse he 1 would promise that there would be no dela of justice Mrs Edward Greene a well-to-do widow' aged 70 years her two daughters by her first husband Alice and Matilda Pfost and her son James Greene aged about 20 lived a short distance from Ripley An Intimate friend was John Morgan' whom Mrs Greene had taken in as an orphan boy and given a home He remained with thfem about a dozen years but about three years ago got married and lived apart from his former benefactors The Murderous Visit He was on friendly terms with them however and on Wednesday evening November -4 'called at the house and asked Matilda Pfost to cut his hair She invited him 'to remain until morning when she would do (ne favor for him The- household were up about 4 the next morning 1 and the young woman set about to prepare breakfast while Mrs Greene was arranging her room Greene went out to feed the stock accompanied by Morgan who soon returned to the house alone saying Greene had gone to set his traps A short time after while young women were busy -with the breakfast preparations Morgan suddenly picked up a hatchet and assaulted Matilda Pfost striking her twice on the head She ran onto the porch while Morgan turned upon Alice Pfost and felled her with the hatchet Matilda w'as in the meantime screaming for-help and Morgan left Alice to quiet Matilda This leaving of Alice to finish Matilda was fatal to Morgan for Alice managed to get out of the house and hide and It was afterward solely on her information 'that the Identity of the murderer was known' -Alice -fled-In a half-conscious condition and gave the alarm to a neighbor In the meantime Morgan forced his way i into tha room of old Mrs Greene and after -a desperate struggle on her part- slashed her to pieces with a hatchet James Greene's mutilated body was found near corn crib 1 Morgan was shortly afterward capture he woods The following day he was indicted and arraigned for trial and confessed A few days ago he escaped but was recaptured -A correct name was John Trainea- His father killed hla lover some years ago and was himself The Illinois Central runs a through tourist car from Memphis to Los Angeles and-San' Francisco via New-Orleans A Southern -Pacific (Sunset Route) 1 every Friday- VFor full Information call at city-ticket officef 311 Main street 1.
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