The main six watch Death Battle - Chapter 53 - fallendeadmanx513 (2024)

Chapter Text

Wolverine Vs Raiden

“So what brings you here Sunset? Besides the obvious,” Twilight said curiously, mentioning the joke from the last chapter.

“Well the girls are all doing their own thing at the moment so there wasn’t much to do when I felt the need to make that joke,” Sunset replied cheekily as she sat on the couch.

“So where did you get the urge to do the joke? Do they care that you just left the premises without a proper reason?” Rarity asked thoughtfully, knowing about the ins and outs of running a business.

“It’s fine. It’s been slow and I needed a day or two off. Plus I wasn’t doing anything that important,” Sunset answered as she stretched a bit.

“And what were you doing partner?” Applejack asked, giving Sunset a weird look.

“Teaching a guy to dance,” Sunset replied quickly.


“That’s right. Just keep on moving,” Sunset muttered, holding two Beretta M1951 pistols with extended magazines. She was currently making some poor schmuck move to avoid each bullet she shot near his feet or in her words dance.

While this might seem a tad extreme, and in most cases, Sunset would agree with you, but this guy had the misfortune of trying to rob the bar…. Which is known for being one of the toughest places, hell the only reason he got as far as he did was that Bobo was taking a lunch break.

The poor fool was starting to feel tired and Sunset was getting bored. You could only make someone do this for so long before it got repetitive. Suddenly Sunset felt it, an urge that was too great to ignore and needed to be answered immediately.

“Hey, Mugshot. Taking a bit of time off,” Sunset said as she shot a chair to flip it to hit the poor schmuck, knocking him out.

Flashback Over

“Just got old fast you know,” Sunset sighed regretfully.

“I see,” Applejack said, knowing that the interdimensional pony was telling the truth somewhat. She decided to let it go though cause she does know what Sunset does so no reason to say anything.

“Well no matter what the case, you’re always welcome to stay and watch a death battle episode with us,” Twilight offered as the others got ready to watch Death Battle.

Just as they were about to play the next episode, a familiar male voice called out and said, “Twiley? You in here?”

“In here BBBFF,” Twilight yelled happily, running to the door as Shining Armor entered the room.

“What’re you doing Shining? Shouldn’t you be with Cadence and Flurry right now?” Spike asked while walking towards the siblings.

“They’re having another Mother-Daughter day so I decided to come by, visit you and watch another episode,” Shining answered simply.

“That’s great and I have someone I want you to meet,” Twilight said, leading her brother to the others. “Shining meet..”

“I’ve already met soldier boy, Twilight. You don’t need to introduce us,” Sunset interrupted cheerfully, waving at Shining. “How’s it going?”

“A bit worse now that I’ve had to hear that nickname of yours again,” Shining said glumly. Looking to his sister’s and friend’s expressions, Shining explained, “I meet Sunset here a few times before she left to wherever she went. Always called me Soldier Boy when I was a cadet. At least Cadence doesn’t know about it.”

“Well, it’s a good thing she isn’t here because this is gonna be awkward enough as is,” Pinkie said.

“... What? Pinkie, what are you-?” Twilight began, only for a flash to cut her off.

“So then we lure them here when they’re trapped obli… wait, what?” a familiar voice said. Everypony's eyes adjusted to see Chrysalis present, looking just as confused. She then sighed. “Okay. so we’re back here again. Let’s see what…” she stopped when she noticed Shining Armor and smiled evilly. “Oh hi there, Shiny! So good to see that cute little flank of yours again!” she teased.

“Oh great the succubus wannabe is here, quick grab the chastity belts,” muttered Shining, while giving the former queen a glare.

“Oh no need to be so hostile, Shiny. I’m not going to take you away from the walking Buffett you married. Though if she wants another player, give me a call.” Chrysalis added, giving him a sultry wink.

“Oh nice one, it’s also nice to see that you replace your lust for bloodlust,” Shining snarked. “Also thanks by the way your little crusade across the border has made things more difficult, especially with you now running around with a unicorn.”

“Wait, WHERE is Tempest Shadow?” interrupted Twilight, worried about her friend.

“Oh, Fizzlepop and I were just planning our next raid on a major slaving town. It’s still a ways away, so I have time to learn a little more before we go killing again,” she explained before plopping herself on the couch. “Now get me some chips, Princess. Be a good host.”

“Careful, you don’t want to ruin whatever it is you call a beautiful figure,” Shining mocked.

“Oh Shiny, I didn’t know you liked what you see!” Chrysalis chuckled mockingly. “Should Cadance get the divorce papers ready?”

“Should we stop them?” whispered Applejack.

“No way this is getting good,” Rarity hushed her country friend.

“Oh please, even after having a kid, her body is still like a brand new chariot, unlike your used resale one,” Shining shot back.

“Oh damn!” Pinkie Pie gasped out.

“Oh, how cruel! You should know by now I’m a high-performance machine! Who do you think got all the blood on her hooves?” she smirked.

“I just thought that the bandits just gutted themselves because they thought you were trying to force yourself on them,” Shining said with an eye roll.

“Oh, they just weren’t used to somepony else having the bigger… weapon,” she said suggestively, pulling out her Dragonslayer.

Shining was about to shoot back but a loud bang was heard throughout the room, silencing the two rulers. Turning towards the sound, the group saw Sunset was the one who made the noise with one of her guns.

“Ok enough of the dick measuring contest and agree you should settle this with a sparring match after the show,” shouted the sun-themed unicorn. Showing a surprising amount of authority.

“Well… I have been looking for someone who can last more than a second,” Chrysalis mused. “I’m assuming you got something from the box like I did?”

“They’re back in my room at the hotel,” muttered Shining Armor. “ I’ll get them later.”

“I’ll give you plenty of time to get ready,” she smirked. “NOW START THE KILLING SHOW!”

“Ok, now that we got that settled, Twilight please start the show,” Sunset said as she put away her gun.

“O….k?” muttered Twilight as she pressed play, wondering how things got so dangerous.


(*Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston*)

Boomstick: Long range weaponry are effective tools of destruction, but there's just something special about killing up close and personal with a blade, like Wolverine, the vicious anti-hero of the X-Men.

“Anti-hero for the win!” Chrysalis and Sunset both cheered while giving each other a sis-hoof.

Wiz: And Raiden, the deadly cyborg ninja from Metal Gear.

“A cyborg ninja!?” Spike and Rainbow Dash exclaimed with stars in their eyes. “THAT. IS. AWESOME!!”

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.


(*Cues: X-Men Legends - Weapon X Facility (Quiet)*)

The main six watch Death Battle - Chapter 53 - fallendeadmanx513 (1)

Boomstick: Three scratches, three claws, this is the mark of the Wolverine.

“Pretty badass,” Sunset smirked. Wonder if she should make something to leave as a calling card or something?

Wiz: But before he was the poster boy for the X-Men, he was born James Howlett in 1886.

“Wow, he’s pretty old,” Rainbow Dash muttered, she guessed it had something to do with his power.

Boomstick: And he was the wimpiest kid ever! He was tiny, and pathetic, and sick all the time, but little James wasn't stuck in bed for too long.

Wiz: As he grew up, James started to develop mutant powers, which gave him animal senses and rapid healing.

“That’s a pretty nice assortment power,” Applejack complemented.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Wiz: But when the family groundskeeper Thomas Logan murdered his father, James learned he had a more lethal power hidden within.

Most of the group winced once the saw the scene of a young James grow out his claws, and stab the groundskeeper. The only ones not affected where Chrysalis and Sunset. One who looked on with excitement, the other just shrugged.

“What a horrible way to discover your powers,” Fluttershy whispered, in near tears. No child should go through that ever.

Boomstick: Retractable bone claws! Old Thomas never knew what hit him, or more specifically, what stabbed him to death.

Wiz: But Thomas used his dying breath for the oh so original plot twist: I'm your father.

“Vader and Luke again?” Chrysalis muttered.

“Well at least James didn’t lose an arm,” Applejack said with a shrug.

Boomstick: Going from two dads to zero in a matter of seconds.

“Not cool Boomstick,” Rainbow said.

Boomstick: Anyway, James took on the name Logan to poorly hide his identity, and ran away from home with his childhood friend Rose. But then he accidentally stabbed her to death too. Damn, those things seem really inconvenient, like a murder erection, always popping up when you don't need it.

Wiz: You should probably see a doctor.

“EW.” Rarity mumbled, getting a nasty mental image.

(*Cues: X2: Wolverine's Revenge - Main Menu Theme*)

Wiz: With his healing ability slowing his aging, Logan has lived over 100 years, he fought in both World Wars and Vietnam before joining a special weapons project called Weapon X. This is where he took the name, The Wolverine.

“Nice,” Rainbow grinned, thinking that it fit him.

Boomstick: Buuuut, like almost every other secret project ever, it was actually yet another horrifying super soldier project. Whilst there, Wolverine enjoyed such treatments as being cut open repeatedly, having his DNA harvested and getting his skeleton a pimped out chrome-job.

“Yikes, and I thought Deadpool had it rough…” Twilight said, shuddering at the thought of what the poor man had to go through.

“I still think Deadpool had it worse,” Pinkie Pie said with a nod. especially when you take into account his latest comic series, The Despicable Deadpool.

Real Name: James Howlett
Age: > 137 years
Height: 5'3"/160 cm
Weight: 300 lbs/136.1 kg
Aliases: Wolverine, Logan, Weapon X, Patch
Member of the X-Men
Founder of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning

Wiz: Against Logan's will, a scientist, named Dr. Cornelius, infused his bones with Adamantium, a rare, man-made metal alloy. Adamantium is extremely dense and stable on a molecular level, making it reportedly indestructible, ever Thor has a hard time breaking it.

“Wait, WHAT!?” Rainbow Dash gasped. “Ol’ Thunder-Britches himself couldn't break it!?”

“Who’s this Thor fellow?” Sunset asked curiously, for some reason that name sounded… familiar…

“He’s the God of Thunder. He actually won an earlier Death Battle.” Spike explained.

“Huh… he sounds like a cool guy,” Sunset muttered.


Somewhere Thor felt an unbelievable amount of pride, and it wasn’t because he had just headbutted a rock monster to oblivion.


Creator: Myron MacLain
Inspired by Hercules' Adamantine hammer
Extremely rare
Considered indestructible
Survived blows from Thor & Hulk
Withstood nuclear bombs
Has been manipulated by Magneto

Boomstick: And Dr. Scientist also Hypnotized Wolverine, to erase his memories and turn him into an animalistic killing machine. The Result? Well, Wolverine went crazy and slaughtered everyone at Weapon X. So I guess you could say the experiment turned out to be a complete success. Good job everybody.

“YAY! Hundreds have been killed and an insane mutant with no memory is on the loose! Great job!” Sunset stated, sarcasm dripping off of every word.

(Wolverine's new Adamantium claws come out and wake up from the procedure screaming)

“... Nice flank,” Chrysalis said.

“Of course, that’s what you focus on,” muttered Shining.

(*Cues: Powerglove - X-Men*)

Wiz: After wandering the wilderness and tangling with The Hulk, Wolverine was eventually discovered by the X-Men, who molded him into a real hero. Logan had finally found a place to call home and a family he did not stab to death.

“Awww, also f*ck you Boomstick,” Rarity cooed and snarled at the same time.

Boomstick: Old Wolvie's got more mutant powers than Kim Kardashian has butt injections. He has keen animal-like senses and expert tracking skills can move faster than the eye can see and can lift up to 2 tons. His Adamantium Claws can cut through almost anything and conveniently he never has to sharpen them. He's immune to disease, can resist mind control, and can fight for days without tiring. Oh and, for some reason, he can sense animals feelings and talk to them, like some sort of Bear Whisperer.

‘Savage Fluttershy,’everypony thought to themselves.

(*Cues: Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Wolverine Theme*)

Wiz: He's equal in hand to hand combat with Captain America, and was skilled enough to tag Speed Demon who runs faster than the speed of sound.

Boomstick: Despite all of this, his greatest attribute is his sheer durability. He's like Super Rocky!

“The Champ!” cheered out Sunset, loving the fact that the show mentioned one of the stars from the first movie she saw. Now that brought back memories of her time living with Mugshot. She still remembers the chocolate chip pancakes he made, and how much of a dad he was towards her.


Now Thor was feeling the urge to pick a fight a bartender… and also learn how to make pancakes?


Powers & Arsenal
Healing factor
Animal empathy & senses
Superhuman strength & speed
Ablation Armor
Muramasa sword
Berserker Rage
Adamantium Beta laced skeleton
Bone claws
12 inches long
Adamantium coated

Wiz: Wolverine has survived hits from Thor and the Hulkbuster, battled with Satan himself and was once blown up with nothing left but his adamantium skeleton.

“HOW DO YOU REGENERATE FROM THAT!?” Applejack shouted in disbelief upon seeing Logan's skeleton.

“Hey, he looks like a Terminator!” Pinkie Pie called out. “Minus all of the wires…”

Boomstick: Think that stopped him? Hell no! He got back up and beat the sh*t out of the emo Bomberman who blew him up in the first place. Jesus Christ! Can anything stop this guy?

“Something something magnets,” mocked Sunset. It seemed like the easiest way to deal with a man with metal bones.

Lifted a Great White Shark
Survived battles with Hulk
Healed from near-complete disintegration
Survived an onslaught from Phoenix
Has stabbed Thanos & Gladiator
Has defeated Iron Fist, Shang Chi, Romulus & Captain America
Fought in over 4 large scale wars
WW I, WW II, Vietnam, Cold War, etc.

Wiz: Well technically he has died a few times, he even used to have a deal with the Angel of Death to be resurrected should his healing factor be overtaxed. But eventually gave it up in exchange for his soul. Yeah this actually happened. However, according to Professor Xavier, leader of the X-Men, Wolverine's healing factor stems from his brain. Eh? Get it? Stem? Like Brain Stem?

“BOOOO!” Pinkie shouted. “That pun was terrible!”

Boomstick: Wiz, I'm the funny one, just stick to being boring.

“Sometimes it’s best to stay in your wheelhouse, darling,” Rarity said.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Wiz: Aw. Anyway, this means Wolverine can be killed by drowning or destroying his brain. But seeing as how his brain is protected by a thick, adamantium skull, it's probably staying where it is.

“Foreshadowing,” Shining said in a mocking tone. His time reading comic had taught him to pay attention to every word, especially when something was given special attention.

(*Cues: Wolverine and the X-Men - Main Theme*)

Wiz: Still there's a reason why Logan keeps getting into bad situations like these. He's a lone wolf and doesn't like relying on others.

“That’s cool and all but sometimes you need someone to watch your back,” Rainbow Dash said, speaking from experience and everything.

Boomstick: And he's kinda got a bit of a temper.

(Wolverine growls and cuts off the top of Cyclops' car in rage)

Wolverine: Tell Cyclops I made him a convertible.

‘Note to self, think of more pre/post-mortem one-liners,’Chrysalis thought.

“If it was me I would’ve been like “oh sweet a convertible”,” Sunset joked.

Boomstick: Piss him off too much, something snaps and Wolverine will enter the Berserker Rage.

Wiz: In this state, Wolverine loses all self-control and ignores all pain as he is consumed by the animalistic killer instinct that's still deep within him by Dr. Cornelius all those years ago.

(Wolverine is seen defeating Neuron in his berserker state.)

“Brutal~!” cried out Sunset and Chrysalis.

Beast: My stars...

Wolverine then tosses Neuron to the side and starts repeatedly stabbing him.

“He’s dead Jim!” Pinkie Pie cried out while wearing a blue shirt.

“Jeez dude, do you have a stabbing quota to meet?” Shining snarked, although he was admittedly slightly disturbed.


(*Cues: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - Main Title*)

The main six watch Death Battle - Chapter 53 - fallendeadmanx513 (2)

Wiz: Born In Liberia, a young boy named Jack lost his parents and was adopted by George Sears, the future president of the United States.

“Huh lucked out on that, eh?” Spike said. Not realizing he would regret saying that.

Boomstick: Which sounds like a pretty good upside considering, except Sears was actually Solidus Snake, a traitor who manipulated the world leaders to profit from the war economy. Oh, and the fact that he killed Jack's parents! I'm your dad now!

“That's messed up…” Starlight mumbled.

“... Your honor, I’d like to retract my previous statement.” Spike said in a small tone.

Wiz: Being the perfect parent he is, Solidus enlisted Jack in the Liberian Civil War, where he became captain of his own commando unit in the Army of the Devil.

Boomstick/Chrysalis and Sunset: *gasps* It's an army of-

Wiz: It's not an actual army of devils.

Boomstick: Aaah, dammit!

“f*ck!” cried the two violent Equestrians.

“Should I be worried that one of my sister’s friends is getting along with someone so dangerous?” Shining Armor asked.

“Meh… maybe a little,” Applejack said with a shrug.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Wiz: A natural harbinger of death, Jack's high kill count earned him the nickname "Jack the Ripper". He accomplished all of this and he was only ten years old.

“TEN!?” Most of the ponies shouted.

“This is sounding like Guts all over again… just a littlelessterrible,” Chrysalis noted.

Boomstick: Oh my God! Could you imagine this kid during puberty? If it ever even hits. I mean, even ten years later, he still looks like he's waiting for the old stones to drop.

“Oh please, he looks marvelous, Boomstick,” Rarity defended. In her eyes, Raiden looked like he took care of his looks.

“The fact thatyousaid that proves his point,” Rainbow joked.

Real Name: Jack
Age: 35 years
Height: Approx. 5'10"/177.8 cm
Aliases: Jack the Ripper, White Devil, Snake, Mr. Lightning Bolt
Former child soldier & spy
Member of Maverick Security Counseling Inc.
Proud wearer of 5 cyborg bodies

Wiz: Well they had to some time. After being abandoned by Solidus, Jack fell for a girl named Rose and eventually got her pregnant.

“Awww that's sweet,” Fluttershy said with a soft tone.

Boomstick: Jack was tormented by his past life and sought to right his wrongs by joining a special task force. With them, he teamed up with the legendary Solid Snake

“MY MAN!” Shining cheered.

(*Cues: Metal Gear Solid 4 - Metal Gear Saga*)

Boomstick: to take down some bad guys, destroy giant robots, go streaking,

“Wait, what?” everypony asked.

“OOOOOOOH YESSS.” Chrysalis and Sunset cooed, licking their lips at the brief moment of fanservice.

Boomstick: and even kill dear old foster dad. All under his awesome new codename, Raiden.

Wiz: Except, all along, he was actually being controlled by the Patriots, a secret organization manipulating the U.S. from behind the scenes and bent on dominating the world.

“There always has to be a shady group out to rule the world,” Rainbow Dash said while rolling her eyes.

Boomstick: Yeah, okay, hang onto your butts because this is where things start getting out of hand. See his girlfriend, Rose, was actually a Patriot spy and was manipulating his life the entire time they were together. Huh, women right?

“So help me Celestia, Boomstick,” Rarity sneered.

“Still, that’s messed up,” Starlight muttered.

Boomstick: But she was all like, "my bad, I love you" and he was like, "it's okay, let me put my dick in you" and then they had a kid.

“How tactful,” Twilight snarked while Chrysalis and Sunset started snickering.

Wiz: Well first, she actually said she had a miscarriage and married another man to trick Raiden, but it was really to trick the Patriots...

Boomstick: Wiz please, the story's confusing enough without bringing that into this. Eventually, they got back together and had a kid. Can we please go back to talking about killing people now?

“Please,” Sunset, Chrysalis, Rainbow Dash and Spike all groaned.

(*Cues: Metal Gear Solid 4 - White Blood*)

Wiz: Sure! One day, he was captured by the Patriots and used as a test subject for exoskeletal enhancement surgery, transforming him into a superhuman cyborg ninja.

Boomstick/Sunset, Chrysalis, Spike: That's what I'm talking about!

Wiz: As a cyborg, Raiden went from a force to be reckoned with to a nigh-unstoppable killing machine. He is fast enough to outrun bullet trains and even run on walls.

Boomstick: And he can do sh*t like this.

Vamp: You too, immortal?

Raiden: No, I just don't fear death.

Rainbow Dash quickly added that quote to her book.

(*Cues: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Rules of Nature*)

After a sniper shot from Snake frees one of his arms, Raiden cuts his other arm free and begins swinging around the Gekkos by the cables connecting them to his legs.

“How can something look so stupid yet be so cool at the same time!?” Starlight asked.

“I’d say that shouldn't be physically possible…” Twilight began. “But at this point, it's clear that Death Battle takes the concept of logic and reality and beats with an iron bat…”

“They’re breakdance fighting!” Pinkie exclaimed, clapping excitedly.

Boomstick: Heh heh, drugs must be fun...

“I’ll say,” Applejack muttered.

(*Cues: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Rules of Nature (Instrumental)*)

Wiz: That's not even the half of it. Raiden is strong enough to lift and throw a Metal Gear RAY. While a RAY's exact weight is unknown, when compared to a Metal Gear REX which weighs 557 tons, we can estimate its weight to be over 1000 tons.

Boomstick: And that wasn't even his final form!

“No! None of that! Shame on you!” Sunset yelled. “No tired meme will be used today!”

Wiz: Right. Raiden eventually got a newer, better cyborg body which was even more powerful.

Boomstick: Strong enough to flip this giant thing, rip off its building-sized sword and then fight a duel with it. And finish it off at blinding speed! I mean what in the actual Hell?!

Rainbow Dash started to convulse from the pure awesome. “Twilight, if I ever become horribly injured beyond repair, you must promise to rebuild me as a badass cyborg ninja!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Rainbow, I'm not-”


Powers & Arsenal
Durable cyborg body
Superhuman strength
Superhuman speed
Can generate electricity
Fuel cell electrolyte absorption
Blade Mode
Ripper Mode

Wiz: When he's not wielding building-sized blades, Raiden wields a high-frequency blade called the Murasama. Originally forged in the 16th century the Murasama was outfitted with high-frequency technology. By creating a powerful current through the blade that vibrates at intense speeds, it weakens its target's molecular bonds, forcibly slicing through almost anything.

“That’s an interesting blade,” Twilight said, taking a few notes.

“But is it a match for the Wolverine's claws?” Starlight asked with a raised brow.

Murasama High-Frequency Blade
Vibrations destabilize target's molecular bonds
Faster vibrations rate than Raiden's original HF Blade
High uptake rate
Originally forged in the 16th century
Previously owned by Sam Rodrigues
ID Locked
Cuts through nanomachines, son!

Boomstick: And if that's not deadly enough for you, Raiden can activate a super-mode called Zandatsu.

“Did he say Zangetsu?” Pinkie Pie asked, wondering if she heard wrong.

“Nah, not disappointing enough,” the voice of Deadman mocked.

(*Cues: Metal Gear Solid 2 - RAY Escapes*)

Boomstick: This causes Raiden's perception of time to slow anywhere from 50 to 90%, giving plenty of time to chop through his foes as precisely or as rapidly as he'd like.

“He must be a wizard at the sushi bar!” Rainbow Dash commented, while also thinking about the one place that sells the one meat ponies will eat.

Wiz: He can take this a step further by deactivating his pain inhibitors. Allowing intense agony from wounds to envelop his senses causes him to lose himself in his old Jack the Ripper personality. This "Ripper Mode" radically boosts his already insane speed and strength.

*Raiden bifurcates two unfortunate cyborgs with a single swing. He then proceeds to knock down the remaining cyborg, stab his hand to the ground, slice off his arm and promptly bifurcating him as well*

Raiden: *chuckles darkly** points his bloodstained blade at Sam and Monsoon* Who's next?

“Not quite Guts, but still good,” Chrysalis smiled, licking her lips.

“Can you please not,” whispered Fluttershy in embarrassment.

Boomstick: But it comes at a know, aside from the whole pain and insanity thing.

Raiden:*cackles maliciously at Monsoon*

“If it wasn’t for the whole killer murder machine thing, I would have said that was the goofiest laugh ever,” commented Shining Armor. “luckily I don’t have a death wish.”

Defeated Solidus Snake
Helped bring down the Patriots
Defeated Desperado & World Marshal
Blocked attacks from Metal Gears RAY & EXCELSUS
Lifted & threw Metal Gear RAY & EXCELSUS
Held back Outer Haven battleship
Survived the mind f##king story of Metal Gear Solid 2

Boomstick: These enhanced modes rely on a fuel supply, and using them burns through it at a rapid pace.

“High power does require high energy output to keep it going,” Twilight lectured.

“And can leave you vulnerable if you burn through it too quickly…” Sunset added.

Wiz: Raiden can only carry enough fuel to sustain these modes for a very limited time, and relies on absorbing more fuel cell electrolytes from enemy cyborgs. Plus his blood is not natural and must be changed regularly, like the oil in a car.

Boomstick But still...

Raiden: *speaking through a speaker; holding his sword between his teeth* I am lightning... The rain transformed. *proceeds to electrocute the Haven Troopers in his way*

Boomstick: Worth it!

“Agreed!” Chrysalis and Sunset both said.

“Interesting. Similar in some ways and completely different in others,” Starlight said.

“Offense and speed against defense and stamina. This is going to be a good one,” Twilight said.


Death Battle
(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Taking place in a tropical city containing ancient architecture and filled with Gekkos, Raiden is seen leaping on rooftops before landing on the streets, his impact crumbling it.

“It’s going to kill me a little to see a city that marvelous being destroyed,” Rarity said in a mournful tone

(*Cues: Exo - Brandon Yates*)

He sees a destroyed Gekko and then encounters one of the giant monsters. Raiden takes out his Murasama, ready to cut it, but Wolverine leaps off a building and slices the giant Gekko in two, and it explodes.

“Kill stealer!” Sunset and Spike yelled. The little dragon knowing the term from hearing Sunset yell it when she was playing a game with human Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, so what Fizzlepop and I do to each other has a name?” Chrysalis asked.

“Yeah, and it’s one of the things I can’t stand!” answered Sunset with a growl. “No one takes away my hard earned victory!”

Raiden: Who the hell are you? Get out of my way!

Raiden's mask comes on as he readies a battle stance.

Wolverine: Fat chance bub!

Wolverine gets his claws out.

Wolverine: You're next!


“Alright, gettin’ right to it!” Applejack cheered.

Both charge at each other and start slicing, with Raiden getting a good slash on Logan and drawing blood. He's able to block Wolverine's multi slash and counters it. He tries cutting through Wolverine diagonally, but his sword stops at Wolverine's skeleton.

Raiden: What?

“Adamantium son!” Pinkie yelled out. “Strongest Metal in the world!”

Wolverine counters it and pushes back Raiden's blade, then stabs Raiden in the stomach. Raiden looks at his wound.

Raiden: Who... what are you?

Wolverine: Gotta admit, that hurt.

“Knowing him, he’s more than likely been hurt so much, he’s used to it by now,” Fluttershy said in a mortified voice.

Wolverine's cuts heal as Raiden rips the fuel cell electrolyte from one of the fallen Metal Gears and absorbs it.

Wolverine: Nice trick Voltron! I'm actually more human than you! (takes out claws) And that's saying something...

“That is both a very effective and scary taunt,” Twilight commented, all the while trying to keep a shiver from going down her spine.

Raiden: Let's dance!

Raiden dashes forward and gets a couple of stabs and slashes on Wolverine. Wolverine tries attacking back but it is blocked as Raiden delivers a massive combo that kicks him into a bus. Raiden leaps to higher grounds as Wolverine's wounds heal. He starts sniffing around when he doesn't see his opponent.

Wolverine: No use hiding, bub.

He's able to dodge Raiden's stealth attack and delivers a large stab to the cyborg.

Wolverine: The nose knows.

“The mark of a great one-liner is taking something that sounds lame and making it amazing,” Sunset declared.

“The deep voice helps too…” Chrysalis added.

He slams Raiden onto the ground and delivers a Berserker Barrage-like combo of attacks.

Wolverine: You're done.

“Now I wish ponies were born with claws,” Rainbow Dash muttered while looking at her hoofs in disappointment.

The conclusion of the combo sends Raiden flying back. Wolverine leaps forward to stab him again, but Raiden avoids it and jumps onto higher ground. He looks at his injuries, then looks downward, only to see Wolverine climbing the building by repeatedly stabbing it.

Raiden: What?!

“Oh crap! Wolverine is going knuckles on him!” Applejack gasped out.

“Does this mean he’s your type as well,” Rarity asked with a smirk.

“Rares, please. I’d expect that from Rainbow. Dash.” muttered Applejack

‘Better not let her know that her human counterpart thinks that both Dan Green and Travis Willingham are cute,’ Sunset thought with some mirth that her Applejack found two of knuckles voice actors attractive.

Wolverine delivers an uppercut that knocks Raiden's mask off. The two clash again until Raiden knocks Wolverine into the air and produces an attack that slashes Wolverine multiple times in place.

Raiden: I will end you!

At this point, Chrysalis was starting to mimic Raiden’s swings while still on the couch.

“... What are you doing?” Shining asked.

“Learning, don’t distract me with your cute flank,” she snapped back and getting a tease in.

Wolverine is seemingly knocked out prompting Raiden to start walking away, but he gets up and starts healing from his injuries.

“Just like Deadpool, his healing factor is annoying,” Starlight muttered. Super healing was so bullsh*t.

Raiden: Are you some kind of cyborg?

Wolverine: Well,(he unsheathed claws) my bones are coated in the strongest metal around. Does that count?

“Nope,” Sunset answered, popping the “P” at the end.

Giving her friend a look, Twilight asked. “Mind explaining what does?”

“Hmmm,” the sun-themed unicorn hummed out, before giving her first friend a smile and saying. “nope!”

They start going at it again as Wolverine blocks one of Raiden's attacks.

Raiden: I'll just have to swing harder then!

“That sounds like something Goku would say in a death battle,” Fluttershy commented in a slightly dry tone.

He stabs Wolverine with the Murasama, but it stays in place and Wolverine takes the opportunity to deliver some devastating hits.

“Friggin’ Energizer Bunny over here!” Pinkie joked.

“He just won’t stop,” Sunset said, joining in the joke.

Wolverine: Taste adamantium!

“Tastes like blood, oh wait that's just from me biting my tongue from talking too fast,” Rainbow joked… until she did bite her tongue. “... ow.”

Raiden uses kicks and electricity to gain the upper hand and retrieves his blade. He knocks Wolverine high into the air and then combos him onto the street. Wolverine gets up as his wounds start healing.

Wolverine: Ouch! All right Terminator, now you've got me mad!

“And you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry- oh wait for wrong Marvel hero,” Pinkie corrected herself.

(*Cues: X-Men Anime - Intro Theme)

Wolverine enters berserker mode and screams out loudly, he leaps high into the air and cuts off one of Raiden's arms.

Raiden: sh*t! Not again!

“Limb loss: Just another day at the office,” Sunset snarked.

“I hope you never have to say that in the future,” Twilight muttered, worried the way her friends treated danger would get her in trouble. Especially with her temper problems leading her to danger like it did for this two fighters… well, she just hoped they didn’t see another battle between being of pure anger for a while.


Meanwhile, in the Marvel Universe, a green giant of a man suddenly sneezed, causing him to get angry and start wrecking up the place.

“Someone talked about Hulk! HULK SMASH GOSSIPER!” screamed the green avenger as he threw an (empty) car into space.


Wolverine then stabs Raiden hard in the chest.

Wolverine: Good night, RoboCop!

(*Cues: Devil May Cry 4 - Let's Just See*)

As the claws are stabbed deep through Raiden, he feels a rush and slowly tilts up his head as his eye glows red. He has entered his Jack the Ripper state.

Raiden: Pain! This is why I fight!

Raiden headbutts Wolverine away prompting him to scream.

“RATED M FOR MANLY!” Pinkie shouted… wearing a sleeveless hoodie, sunglasses, a backward cap, and smoking a cigar.

Raiden: Hahaha it's time for Jack the Ripper, to let 'er rip!

I wish my name was Jack now just so I could use that line, Chrysalis thought.

“Ok now that just had me think about Beyblade,” Sunset said while thinking of those little toys that Pinkie and she played with sometimes.

Both counter each other's attacks and lay a multitude of blows on each other. Wolverine is severely injured from the clash severely slowing him down. Raiden does a low kick that knocks him into the air and performs a cut strong enough to slice off Wolverine's head, which he slashes dozens of times at once, cutting it into pieces as he laughs and kicks the pieces.


“DECAPITATION!!” Sunset, Chrysalis, and Rainbow Dash cheered.

Everypony else just stared in shock, their jaws dropping open.

Raiden walks over to pick up his severed arm as Wolverine's body lies in the street.

(*Cues: Metal Gear Solid 2 - Main Theme (Skateboarding Remix)*)

Boomstick: Oh my god...

Wiz: Because of Wolverine's adamantium skeleton and stubborn healing factor, he was able to hang in there despite Raiden's clearly superior speed and strength.

Boomstick: He could've even kept it up until Raiden ran out of fuel if it weren't for one important question: Could the high-frequency blade cut adamantium?

“Right,” Twilight, Starlight, and Shining Armor agreed.

Wiz: To answer that question we dug deep into Marvel Comics history and found Misty Knight, a lesser known Marvel heroine with a bionic arm made of Antarctic Vibranium. This anti-metal emanates vibrations which weaken its target's molecular bonds, exactly like Raiden's high-frequency blade. Like the Murasama, this can destabilize and break any metal, including adamantium.

“Wow, even says it right on the comic panel,” Spike noted.

Boomstick: And while in Jack the Ripper mode, Raiden can strike with enough force to cut through buildings and machines built to survive nuclear wars.

Wiz: With that much strength behind a sword like that, plus Raiden's speed and technology advantage, Wolverine's supposedly indestructible skeleton met its match.

“It just couldn’t handle an onslaught of that magnitude,” concluded Twilight.

Boomstick: Any way you slice it, Raiden just had the right gear for the job.

“... Meh, seven out of ten,” Sunset said, admitting the pun was decent.

Wiz: The winner is Raiden.


Boomstick: Next time on DEATH BATTLE!

The screen turns dark for a bit.

Announcer: welcome the extravaganza!!!

right before the group here some sweet ass rock music as the screen shows a stadium full of screaming fans, and they were cheering for a man with pulling FOUR tour buses behind him!


The scene then shows Hercule as he rips a few phone books at the same time and PUNCHES through one of the buses, much his fans, and the group's delight.

“Man even though he's not doing much compared to what we’ve seen, this is still fun,” Starlight said with a smile.

“Yeah! He knows how to work for a crowd!” Pinkie Pie cheered out while bouncing in place. While Rainbow Dash was writing all this down for the next time she put on a show for Scootaloo.

“And he’s got a kickass theme,” Sunset said while bobbing her head.

But it seemed like some people didn’t agree with their viewpoint as the next scene cuts to Kame house, with Yamcha, Krillin, Master Roshi, And Chichi. Who looked at the scene with boredom.

Master Roshi:... That’s just sad.

“Oh come on, let the normal people have their fun,” Applejack mumbled. It was like when the minotaurs would comment on an earth pony competition.

ChiChi: it sure is, someone could have used that bus.

Both the z warriors and the group could just stare at her with flat looks.



“Well that was-” Twilight was about to say but was cut off from… the Box!? Yes, the box had started glowing, catching everyone's attention as it glowed and two balls of light flew out.

One of the lights went to Fluttershy as it floated in front of her, then transforming into a Wolverine plushie… it even came with his trademark scowl.

“Should of saw that coming,” muttered most of the group while the shy pegasus just gave her new plushie a hug.

The next ball of light flew towards Sunset and transformed into a replica of the sword Raiden used in the death battle! It even came with a note.

While this lacks the firepower of the swords you got last time, this one is way easier to handle.


“Awesome,” whispered the unicorn as she admired her new sword. While the rest of the group were given Raiden and Wolverine action figures.

“Too bad Shiny didn’t get the sword, he’s going to need it,” Chrysalis, mocked, getting a glare from the said pony.

“We’ll just see,” growled out the former royal guard captain.

“I guess we will,” the queen of the changelings growled at the male unicorn as the two made their way outside.

~~~~~~~~~outside the castle~~~~~~~~

Everypony in Ponyville was peeking out their windows or their doors, none of them daring to go outside. Shining Armor and Chrysalis were facing each other, Chrysalis in her cloak, M. Bison hat, Dr. Doom armor and her Dragonslayer on her back. Shining dressed in his Octocam suit and with his Captain America/Hylian shield. A tumbleweed rolled by.

“Shining Armor, are you trying to seduce me?” Chrysalis taunted. “You look so sexy in that tight suit.”

“Pfft! In your dreams,” Shining grumbled out as he got his shield out.

“Ok, you two I want a good fight!” Sunset said as she stood in between the two fighters.

“You forgot the fair part of that line,” Twilight shouted out.

“One of them has a high tech spy suit and unbreakable shield, the other has superpowered armor and ghost-killing sword. I think ‘fair’ left a long time ago.”

“Fair enough,” the princess of friendship conceded. “Also, when did you two get here?” she asked, turning to Celestia and Luna.

“We’re like Superman, we know when we’re are needed,” Celestia said in an amused tone.

“Ah so I see that’s another thing you two share…” muttered Twilight. Seeing even more of a resemblance between the mother and daughter.

“As I was saying, let have a good fight,” Sunset said. “ get ready… FIGHT!”

Chrysalis shot forwards, drawing her Dragonslayer in one quick move and swinging it down hard, Shining barely able to get his shield in the way, the groundbreaking under him. Before he could even retaliate Chrysalis kept swinging at him rapidly, treating the massive sword like it was no lighter than a stick. “Come on, Shiny! Is this the best the former Captain of Equestria can do!?” she taunted.

Shining growled before finally managing to deflect one of the blows aside before hitting her in the torso with the edge, making her stumble back a bit. He followed up with shield slam to her face before trying to punch her. Chrysalis held her sword in front of her, stopping the punch, before slugging him across the face, then hefting her sword and swinging wide. Shining jumped over it before throwing the shield at her. She ducked just in time before charging at him again. He summoned a barrier and took the hit, sending him flying into a pile of boxes.

“Who keeps piles of boxes lying around?” Pinkie asked.

An angry stallion wearing nerdy glasses and a white shirt with a pocket protector opened his door. “Don’t talk sh*t about my boxes! I like boxes!” he yelled.

“Stop playing around, Shiny. I’m done with the foreplay, show me what you’ve got,” Chrysalis taunted, walking over to the boxes… only to see nothing. “What? How… wait…” One of the piles of wood then quickly moved and shot her in the chest with a magic beam, sending her tumbling. Shining’s Octocam changed back to normal, using a levitation spell to pull his shield over to him as he ran towards it. He grabbed it and threw it at Chrysalis before charging at her.

She ducked and readied her weapon, only for Shining to levitate a piece of the broken boxes in the way, making it bounce off and hit her in the back of the head. It bounced up and he grabbed it before slamming it down on her head. He then got behind her, grabbed her body, and suplexed her into the ground before rolling onto her and punching her the face again and again.

She finally stopped him, grabbing his hooved with her. “Sorry, only I get to be on top,” she smirked before throwing him off and blasting him with a spell, knocking him to the ground and making him lose his shield. She levitated her sword over to herself as she flew up into the air. She grabbed it and then spun, bringing it down right on him with a loud thud, kicking up dust.

“SHINING!” Twilight screamed.

The dust cleared and showed that Chrysalis had just missed Shining’s neck, but he was pinned under her sword. She smirked and leaned in, licking him on the nose. “I win,” she giggled before pulling her sword away and hooking it back to her side. “That was fun, Shiny. Let’s do it again sometime when you’ve got more… experience.”

“Well that was a fun show,” Sunset commented as she made her way towards the three ponies on the field.

“Don’t you think you should have stopped them before it got this far?” Twilight said irritably

“Oh don’t be so concerned, Sparkle. The moment he didn’t die after the first swing I decided I wasn’t going to kill him,” Chrysalis assured her.

“But you only thought of killing him?” Sunset asked in a curious tone. Not angry but mostly surprised that the changeling didn’t take this chance at revenge. “My… how merciful.”

“I’m in this world for me, dear.” muttered the former queen.

“And the fact that you keep killing slavers and freeing slaves?” Celestia asked, stepping out to talk to her.

Chrysalis huffed and turned away. “J-Just convenient targets. I need some excuse to get my kicks.” Celestia smirked at that but didn’t push it. “Feh, I’m going now. Have fun with whatever stupid pony things you ponies do.”

“Maybe next time you would like to test your skills against a more seasoned warrior,” Luna said as she stepped towards the changeling queen.

“Ha! You? How much different could you be, staying in your comfy little castle all pampered and-”

“HADOKEN!” Luna shouted, firing a blue ball of energy from her hooves at her.

Chrysalis barely pulled her sword in front of her in time, the attack making her slide back a few yards. She looked back in shock (as did everyone else)… before her mouth curled into a smile. Just then her body started to shine and she knew she was leaving. “... Next time,” she said simply before disappearing in a flash.

While those two had their little warrior moment, the mother, daughter duo was having a little talk.

“I'm surprised you’re not getting in on this,” Celestia commented while taking a look towards her daughter. “Especially with the fact that I know you take after your aunt when it comes to your more hands-on approach when it came to any problem, especially when it was a fight.”

‘You also got that from your father,’ the sun princess thought as she could see some of her father in her.

“Meh! Don’t feel like it, and the fact I cheat and fight dirty, so even Chrysalis would call me out,” Sunset answered with a shrug. Also thinking about the fact that she would have gone for a shot to the face at the very beginning of the fight. “Also I didn’t know Aunt Luna knew some moves from street fighter.”

Blinking in surprise, Celestia asked. “So you know of Street Fighter?”

“Nah, only a little from my Rainbow Dash, I'm more a Fatal Fury andTEKKENfan myself,” her daughter answered her.

And while all this was going on the main group was just standing in the background… forgotten… oops.

Shaking her head in annoyance Twilight just sighed as she made her way back inside her castle. “Let’s just call it a day,”

And so the day ended in a more eventful day than usual, I wonder what the next day has in store for them!



The main six watch Death Battle - Chapter 53 - fallendeadmanx513 (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.