The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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25 26 25 25 SALES 4 OUTSTANDING Page Pose Page WANTED TO RENT 23 SALES 18 OPPORTUNITIES REAL ESTATE WILL NOW BE OUND SALE MISCELLANEOUS IN THE NEW SALES OPPORTUNITIES Midland Ross CLASSIICATION Please refer to Classified Index for page number ACCOUNTANT SUPERVISOR BRAKE OPERATOR 16 17 26 BUY SELL Use PD CLASSIIED (Continued in Next Column) (Continued in Next Column) Electrical Service Home Maintenance Home Modernization House Washing Phone 5235555 Janitorial Service 1 15 Personals Business Notices loor Sanfflng Kitchen Modernization urnace Cleaning Repairs Installed Landscaping urniture Moving Storage edol prices ror quantity AMD WATERPROOING 7524064 Br own ccnoln COMPLETE CEMENT WORKi Drives Jl ft Io I a In 1 Tft Television Refrigeration Repairs Service Roofing Gutters Repairs Handyman Locksmith Sewing Machine Repair Painting Paperhanging Cleaning Top Soil Towing Service Ceilings Wall Washing 17 17 13 12 Greatest and Busiest Market THE PLAIN DEALER WANT AD PAGES 23 24 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 1617 1717 17 Help Wanted Men and Women 20 26 20 Rooms Boord Suburbon Property to Rent Apartments Help Wanted Men and Women Good hourly rate plus incentive overtime and fully paid benefits Help Wanted Men and Women GM and Bill Help Wanted Men and Women Hl Gloss Seamless Aluminum Gutters Tailored To it 951 2047 641 6765 ESt 1946: ESt 1912 BOX BN319 PLAIN DEALER An Equal Opportunity Employer OICE CLEANING INSURED 777 1574 REELANCE URNITURE ARTIST (Male or emale) be able to produce top notch fur PRIVATE home maintenance reason able side 9912351 JIMMY proof locks installed auali fled locksmith East 9213737 College graduate for cost ac counting department Back ground in standard costs as well as plant and financial statement preparation pre ferred Salary commensurate with ability and growth poten tial Insurance pension and other employe benefits Send resume to: WALL WINDOWS WASHED PAPER REMOVED PAINT 851 8560 A good aptitude for figures and 45 WPM typing qualify you This is a beginning position in an excellent firm They offer good raises paid benefits and pay vour fee Call 261 9400 VENTURE UNLIMITED INC 26111 Brush Ave Euclid Ohio Open 8 pm Mon thru Thurs Professional Employment Service TROUT ARCHITECTS 331 4000 ACCOUNTING CLERK HAVE late model tow truck 24 hour VnTn riflve ninhtc CJ AX hIj EXPERT sewing machine repair in your home all makes 2317383 TV REPAIR color Black White rea sonable work Guaromeed 663 88 1 2 Teledyne Oster 1340 289th Wickliffe Ohio 44092 1 An equal opportunity employer ALUMINUM wood etc awninas Ca for free estimate 398 5554 WIRING of all kinds violations ree estimate Licensed 442 0363 ELECTRICAL WORK DONE We are looking for a bright individual to work in one of our division offices 3 days a week Requires good figure aptitude book keeping and payroll background desir able and must be able to operate a 10 key adding machine Cal 623 0850 ext 257 to arrange for an 'nterview Want Wont Want Want to Rent Houses Want Rent Garages Barns cieanea r2 rooms any muving TRUCKING contract work sofa 2 chairs welcome help a vet 261 4414 rolflrrtftd wrillc X077Cn Billing Supervisor Interesting position at our near downtown Cleveland office as supervisor of billing section for an individual experienced in all phases of customer billing (hand and machine) Including adjustments and pricing Data" processing knowledge helpful but not necessary Submit re sume including desired salary to RERIGERATION reezers air con ditioners washers drvers ranges dishwashers 886 3485 CONTRACTORS remodel all type visit our display store 4313 Clark Ave 631 1910 631 1911 CARPENTRY new homes commer cial remodeling repairs Exel Build ers 741 7639 or 884 3803 INDEPENDENT remodeling and re pair Inside out 281 1229 7417490 Able to setup all dies Mustliave experience in light gauge sheet metal items and work to close toler ances Day shift hourly rate apply: The Clytel Mfg Co 3603 East 82 St Cleveland Ohio Call 271 3970 ARCHITECTS (2) Registered with experience In oil choses Solorv pleasant office with interesting practice of varied kinds of buildings Including a number of Indi vidual houses In both Ohio and other states ELECTRICAL SEWER CLEANING Plumbing repairs copper waterlines basem*nts waterproofed 721 7555 DRAINS and sewers opened electri cally basem*nts waterproofed cop per waterlines reasonable prices free estimates 761 5555 PLUMBING REPAIRS ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANING 281 6972 SEWERS cleaned copper lines new repair BankAmericard 944 2214 PLUMBING REPAIRS reasonable re copoer free estimates 333 9953 areas yrs service net 391 9674 CEMENT WORK ANY KIND BAsem*ni WATERPROOED i Satisfaction SINCE 1904 WEST i 14 iq LLU i I vc i 22 Employment Men and Women (PRIVATE LICENSED) (Continued rom Prece ing Column) Murt niture art for newspaper reproduc tion EXPERIENCED ONLY or in terview appointment phone Mr Liba 5234020 between 2:30 and 3:30 SANDING AND INISHING OLD LOORSRENEWED23729277 LOOR SANDING INISHING REE ESTIMATE 398 6777 POY MAP All Plain Dealer Box Replies to The Plain ruA ivihil Defler 1801 Superior Ave Cleveland Ohio 44114 AIR CONDITION SPECIAL $589 Plus installation BLOWER furnace installed $295 Established 1918 George Heatg Air Con 475 2144 24 HR SERVICE BOIL ER PLUMBING 3214020 321 0832 LOWEST price Clean repair instal oil makes ree estimates YE 2 2590 Help Wanted Men and Women (Continued rom Preceding Column) MAREK lawnmower tuneuo sharpen RETIRED BUILDER i Pickup deliver 252 5572 671 6636 rurrnica sinKiops copiners ciav rue railing plaster patches roof RENEW vour kitchen cabinets with formica Save hundreds of Call DURACRAT today 232 0500 I'LL COVER YOUR KITCHEN IN ORMICA Joe 449 0742 75 Public Sa LICENSED EMPLOYMENT SERVICE All Shifts Private Hospitals CLEVELAND REGISTRY 405 Hippodrome Bldg 696 2688 BUSINESS SERVICE Cemetery Monuments lowers Band Notices Personals Business Notices Repairs and Service LINOLEUM CERAMIC TILE STALLED CALL EVE 587 6456 ACCOUNTANT We have a growth oriented posi tion available in our corporate tax department for an experi enced degreed accountant Re sponsibilities include filing feder al state and local tax returns and counseling division personnel Must be able to read and under stand laws and regulations Excellent starting salary with full benefits program If you meet the above qualifications please call so that we may discuss your background and our require ments Corp 55 Public Square Cleveland Ohio 44113 771 4800 An Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTING CLERK $428 TO $440 ACE EMPLOYMENT 511 Hippodrome Theater Bldp 720 EUCLID AVE 621 1758 CHIPPR GANDER $312 hr TRAINEE actory $250 hr PUNCH PRESS $304 hr MOLDER $331 (Continued in Next Column) HAULING moving rubbish trees re moved etc wreck fiarage991 5719 LIGHT Hauling clean basem*nt attic garage free estimate 835 1181 LIGHT HAULING AST DELIVERY 451 3570 HAULING: No lob too small day or night reasonable 961 5872 EDUCATION Educational 15 Men and Women 15 HELPER Nights must have some frying exp 6 day week call after 1 pm 944 0045 RICH black top soil humus peat moss 243 PlCkUP TOPSOIL Eastern suburbs only 942 5006 HAUL MANURE Pickup and Deliver 835 1181 ADJUSTMENT ERRORS It Is the responsibility of the Advertiser to check the correctness of each Insertion of an advertisem*nt The Plain Dealer assumes no responsibility for the repetition of errors in advertisem*nts ordered for more than one insertion unless notified the same day 4 No copy changes accepted for any advertisem*nts charged the maten maker rote for duration of order or Corrections and Cancellations Call 523 4200 15 yr guarantee all roofs 585 1441 ROOS installed: aluminum gutters a ph a It drive 761 4114 RE ROOING garages stores apts Slate chimneys 521 2182 961 1868 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERKPosting rnach 10 key adding mach and calculator 5 day wk Must be de pendable side 432 3500 AIR conditioning service mon and in staller exp Residential and commer ciol year round work 292 5810 BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Prefer exp on NCR series 395 ma chine Please call for an appointment or mail your resume including vour salary requirement to A Scriven Personnel Director CEILINGS OUR SPECIALTY TERMS REE ESTIMATES OR HOME AND BUSINESS CLEVELAND CEILING CO 662 6500 IN AKRON AND VICINITY CALL DAY OR NITE 762 9031 Steps fireplaces garages retaining walls etc 267 0637 ASPHALT DRIVE SUBURBS NEVER APOLLO PAViNG65bO6OO REE COLOR or same price on walks patio brick asphalt work 25 yrs9612393 ASPHALT concrete drives patio good work low rate 7916296 249 9081 HOLLIS asphalt drive parking lot patch ressurface cement 781 2230 WEST CONST asphalt cement roof ing free estimate 228 2921 PATIO stone cement work water proof ing251 7916 CEMENT STONE A LOW RATES Wl 1 6714 MINI CONSTRUCTION CO do it nil" rnnonnhlr' Wli BRICKWORK all kind1 ARCHITECTURAL DRATSMEN SALARY S8 S15000 SANORD ROSE ASSOC Rm 505 Terminal Tower 696 3025 Employment Service ARTIST CHEMICAL LAB TECHS $600 TO $800 ormulation Experience In wet analysis or industrial coatings formulation Candidates with strong petroleum derivatives or oamt background preferred Com cany offers stability rooid ad vancement excellent benefits and oavs vour fee Coil 261 9400 VENTURE UNLIMITED INC 26111 Brush Ave Euclid Ohio' Open 'til 8 nm Mon thru Thurs Professional Employment Service (Continued an Next Page) I REPAIR SERVICE GUIDE To place advertising in this column call Miss Gordon 523 4790 100 Bulklev B'dg Annex 1501 Euclid An Equal Opportunity Empover ACCOUNTING CLERK Your proficiency on a 10 key adding machine will land you this promo tion spot Typing and pleasant phone voice $350 fee paid Salary CRAIG Employment Agency 33 Pub lic Sq 241 8454 LONG weekend: Air Cruise to Miami and Bahamas round trip from Cleve land 861 7251 GREENBERRY Dav Camp Both Ohio Transportation furnished Ages 4 12 Mrs Lemmon 692 3323 THICK STEAKS THIN PRICES BROWN DERBY RESTAURANTS LM VVKZOf ee scn 2J317O Reasonable lunDum KIO "i i' tmxinv uuuuisb: iun me: uiucnseu 1 Bonded Insured 734 0272 iQLflll Sunv dept 6 10 people Local?" 696 50 MAElKLE RlNCH 944 Hanna Bldg 1422 Euclid Ave Employment Service 861 5865 ACCOUNTANT small growing firm moving to Beachwood offers good op portunity for auditor with Big 8 super visory exp Send resume and salary range to Box CR30 Plain Dealer ACCOUNTANT must be familiar with nonprofit corp ull or part time Box CW177 Plain Dealer AUTO service assistant voung man willing to learn writing and warrentv work must be personable and able to communicate with people automotive exo preferred contact Ken August 248 1550 AUTOMOTIVE RECEPTIONIST TITLE CLERK In automobile agency with responsibil ities for titles and mortgages warran ty claims general corresoondence and courteous telephone reception Excep tional working conditions Prefer non smoker 5 days wk 946 1040 SPECIAL: New Garage Roof car $65 2 car $75 Also Roof Re pairs estimates 731 3262 MAY SPECIAL NEW ROOS 5100 RELIABLE CONCERNS WRIT TENJESTJMATE 941 9997 ALUMINUM GUTTERS ROO RE' PAIRS HOT ROOS OHIMNE EZ TERMS 791 5296 442 5056 LEAKY ROOEXPERTS Roofs gutters chimneys flash terms 427 6030 NO SALESMAN I DO THE WORK ROOS GUTTERS CHIMNEYS RE PAIRS 481 1S47 ROOING and gutters new work and repairs Jree estimates 561 3546 ROO REPAIRS AND GUTTERS ATTENDANTS Young man for men's health club full or cart time Apply before noon 1448 32d (S of Detroit) AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE SET UP MEN Experience on Brown Sharpe Acme Warner Swasey or Deven ports 696 1717 Hela Wanted and Women BOOKKEEPER chollenatng opportun ity for full charge girl for small clinic Good pay working conditionsetc 861 1040 Window Cleaning I VU I 11 tllft izx I I A I I I 321 5278'servicc Simmonds 281 1616 I 15700 LORAIN BEAUTICIAN Prefer over free to travel for em ployment os personal maid in lovely home In eastern suburb 40 hr week 946 2743Ut CPl1 THOMAS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 7584 Mentor Ave (In Mentor) BEAUTICIAN If you can do smart groovy fashion work with blowers and want to work in pleasant surroundings THE STORK made it possible for you to work atARN0LD MARTINS 932J337 BEAUTICIAN Experienced for downtown salon Sal ary plus commission 4 day week Please call 241 8383 BEAUTICIANS Looking for a nice place to work MKHAEL RICHARD'S Looking foyioodhalrdressers BEAUTICIAN experienced salary plus commission Lakewood area ex cellent working conditions ull or part time 521 4942 MICHIGAN MERION BLUE PEAT SOD GRADE NO i 50c YD DELIV RE 562 7855AU RO AjO SAAA'S Landscaping general yard Cleanup spraying thatching yard maintenance 991 5726 LANDSCAPING maintenance sod seed shrubs new old lawns Dis count prices 261 6662 944 7473 I SOD INSTALLED LAWNS I STRIPPED LOW RA i ES 291 1041 i COMPLETE landscaping sod Inwns fence installing 441 0846 COMPLETE Lawn Maintenance trim sod clean up 651 4062961 5199 NEW LAWNS SOD' LAWN CARE SHRUBS ETC RE 421 2455 OOTE BROTHERS Merlon Blue spdsayyj? LAWN maintenance hedge ever greens trimmed 651 2232 368 0444 Aspiuit Bric Csiiieii oTdER NOW! "ANYTHING IN CONCRETE" WE BUILD TO LAST LONG TIME DRIVEWAYS Walks Patios loors RETAINING WALLS Parking Areas Etc Ask about our advanced method in concreting and our GUARANTEE for your PROTECTION ully equipped Licensed Bonded Insured inancing of 550 pct ree Estimate BEN MAIOLA CEMENT CONTRACTING CO 16720 LAKE Serving County Wide Since 1956 52V1660 U49 4114 ASPHALT SEALER PROTECT: Driveways parking lots roadways ROM: gas oil salt Specialize in cement seal REHESJIMATES 941 9095 MARLIN CON ST RUCTION Concrete Specialists driveways sidewalks pa tios etc Reasonable rates REE ES TIMATES 5249834 228 1978 HELPS "Employment Men and Women Hein Wanted Men and Women 12 to 15 Help Domestic 15 Sales Men and Women 1516 Helo Temporary and Port Men ond Women16 Position Wanted 16 Position Domestic 16 executives Avauaoie Box CX49 Plain Dealer ACCOUNTANT Outstanding position available for indi HOUSE PAINTING PAPERING LOW' RATES 94V7531 PAINTING in out 20 vrs exp req sonoble rates 8865386 or 8W 4498 PAINT PAPER Sanitas STEAM PATCH PLASTER 587 0234 after 6 PAINTING: wall paoer removed free estimates References 2814650 PAINTING $10 up room papering sanitas pjasten 791 4775 PAINTING carpentry A Low rates aptldg Exp 761 1261 PAINTING Interior exterior etc Exp A work 671 3277 PAINTING In out wall oaper re aaDvsL moved free estimates 851 8560 ElO Auto Body Shoo PAINTING In out' Also GUTTERS PAINTER 26 vrs exp no East Side work single homes onlv749509i EXPERT painting sanitas Diostrr teaming Mr Stone 449 4630 INTERIOR EXTERIOR Painting sat yuurgnreea dvV aper painTwaltex rci rise cjitmaTg BOOKKEEPER $6504700 SALARY Suburban location Excellent opportun ity far an experienced full charge bookkeeper Modern office ee Paid Call Mr Walker 261 1100 Career Girls 27691 Euclid Ave Professional Employment Service BOOKKEEPER exo In payroll bill ing receivables payables 1 girl of fice responsible close to Innerbelt Submit resume Box CR43 Plain Dealer General office 5'a days wk 291 0450 DEADLINES Wont ads for the Morning Plain Dealer received until 5 pm daily or Saturday "Better Living Home 2 pm riday or the Sunday Plain Dealer until 8:30 pm riday To Place WANT ADS Call 523 5555 CORRECTIONS AND CANCELLATIONS or Before 8 om riday or Before 5 om Sunday Other Before 5 om proceeding day Except Sat "Better Living Home Before 2 pm riday When canceling an ad a cancellation number will be given you No allowance on claims canceled without number BEAUTICIANS Tokina applications for 5 experienced girls too salary ond commission fcven many new graduates earn around $100 a week You don't need following We give them to you and vour earnings Keep growing Join a wonderful group of girls In Cleve land best place to work Andre Duval SEVERANCE 382 2600 WESTGAT 333 6646 a )' AUTOMOBILES Antique Classic and Collectors Cars Auto Parts Repairs Tires (ampina and Travel Trailers Eaijinmnf and (Sale Rent) 24 Custom Modified Camoetition Cars Equipment 24 Motorcycles Bicvdes 23 Sale Automobiles 20 to 23 Sale Soorts ond Imoorted Cars 23 Sports ond oreign Car Paris Accessories Service 23 Trucks Trailers Ports 24 Autos Trucks 24 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business Ooportunities 17 'Wtlih tlUUl Lull Dill ZXO17J intta led S300 'CVon'sd GENERAL House repairs and paint 631 6915 Kmodelina 10 piu bina 326 0330 475 2376 DEAL direct with corpenter for kitch i ens dens rec rooms additions porch Delivery es etc Call Mike 321 6136 Cottapes Sites Resorts 18 Home Building 20 Industrial Property 18 investment Propertv 17 18 Mobile Homes and Parks 24 Out of Town Real Estate 20 West Southewst Cleveland 20 Lakewood Rocky River air view Bav 19 Westlake Avon Avon Lake North Olmsted Olmsted alls Ridgeville 19 Brook Park Berea Medina Mid dleburg Heights Stronasville Brunswick 19 Brooklyn Parma Brooklyn Heights Parma Heights North Royalton 19 Seven Hills Brecksville Brood view Heights Independence 20 Suburban Property West South" west 19 Shaker Heights University Heights Cleveland Heights Beachwood 18 East Northeast East Cleveland Euclid Bratenahl 18 Northfield Saaamore Hills Ma cedonia Twinsburg Hudson Aurora Suburban Southeast 18 Southeast Garfield Heights Maple Heights Bedford War rensville Heights 18 Wickliffe Willowick W'llouahhy Eastlake Mentor Painesville 18 Antiques Sale Wanted 26 Auctions 26 Marine Supplies 24 Clothing urs Repairs 26 Construction Eauioment 26 Dogs Pets Supplies 24 Hobbies Crafts ond Toys 26 Horses Stables Trailers Stock and Eauioment 24 Lawn Garden orm Eauioment 24 Machinery Tools Motors Ma terial Handling Eauioment 26 Pianos Musical Instruments 26 Radio Electronic Eauioment and Systems 26 Sale Diamonds Jewelry 26 Sale Home urnishings and Ao pliances 26 Sale Miscellaneous 26 Snowmobiles and All Terrain Ve hicles 24 Stereo Hi i ond Components 26 Store and Office ixtures 26 Typewriters Office Machines 26 Wanted Gold Diamonds 26 Wanted Miscellaneous 26 HAULING moving clean basem*nt etc wreck garage low rote 231 8095 HAULING rubbish clean ud anything do plaster cement exp 721 2435 HAULING: Moving CLEAN BASE MENTetckow 681 5488 HAULING rubbish clean up anvthlna do plaster cemcntiexpJ721 2435 CALL ED EX PE ElENCED26b3052 RUBBISH removal yards garages attics cleaned 631 0094 7817843 HAULING rubbish clean up anything do ploster cement exp 721 2435 HAUL rubbish clean basem*nts etc 1 ondscoplna Call Jim 795 2053 moving Hauling wreck ooraaes Reasonable 341 426 7 LIGHT HAULING APPLIANCES etc WEST ONLY 6314007 ACCOUNTING TAX BARTENDER or Barmaid: ull time nights over 21 Apply Side Dear Lounge 10301 Brookrark 433 7372 BARTENDERS experienced full or part time Top pay Lantern Inn 15299 Sheldon Rd 243 9387 $85 guaranteed salary per week plus liberal commission IRST LADY BEAUTY SALON SOUTHLAND 843 9343 RICHMOND MALL 442 9605 MMPHIS III TON 741QR9n oieiuy eiiipiuymeiu openings nrsr and second shifts Call or apply weekdays THE HANSEN MG CO Mfg Quick Connect Couplings 4031 West 150 St 252 3880 (I block North 1 71 exit) BEAUTICIAN Shampoo Girl manl curlst licensed Lakewood 226 6788 BEAUTICiAN experTenced Cleveland Heights call eves 381 0352 BEAUTICIAN licensed booth rent or percentage 9jm 7 pm 681 953i BEAUTICIANS 150 and Purltas OR 1 9450 BEAUTICIAN part time prefer exo University Hts 371 1644 321 8854 BICYCLE Repairman 10 speed exp full or port time references Al's Bike I Co 371 4438 BICYCLE repair or assembly man experienced many benefits 651 3800 BLANCHARD GRINDER Exneriprrog grinding with 2 or more years close tollerance work Must have used 22 42 machine or big ger Day shift overtime hospitaliza tion and life Insurance paid Profit sharing union shoo BEDORD GRINDING 26400 Richmond Rd Bedford Heights 0 292 5555 BODYMAN Combination own hand tools 5 vrs exp 16815 Madison Lake 'voqd9o5 BOOKKEEPER ull charge thru trial balance ast growing company with new air conditioned facilities in the Valley View area Excellent bene fits Must drive All replies will be held confidential Box CX71 Plain Dealer BOOKKEEPER ARTIST Exp and trained in water color and tempera Ability to create patterns for fabrics wallpaper and other household items small studio conveniently locat ed 35 hr wk plus fringe benefits Box BA325 Plain Dealer ARTIST to take charge of silk screen ing ull or part time Box CW176 Plain Dealer EMALE CLEVELAND ELECTRONICS INC 140 REEWAY AREA INTERVIEW BETWEEN 9 3 CALL OR APPOINTMENT 249 3709 ASSEMBLERS for lamps and lighting fixtures exo Steady work hrlv rate Apply Acme Lighting Products 1667 40th St ASSISTANT CHIE RADIOLOGIC TECHNICIAN Challenging opportunity for experi enced ARRT Technician in progres sive teaching hospital with its own School of Radiology Excellent fringe benefits plus educational assistance salary commensurate with education and work background Send resume giving full education and work background plus salary expect ed: Box CJ303 Plain Dealer ASSISTANT STEWARD: Must be ma ture over 21 and able to handle res ponsibilities salary based on experience Call 261 0300 ood and Beverage Dept for appt ASSISTANT Manager salary and fringe benefits Crown Aluminum In dustries Call between 1 pm 5 Dm Monday 524 4480 ASSISTANT manager restaurant 21 or over Apply in person 26324 LorainrthjDIrnsted ATTEN MALE or man in wheelchair to assist him with daily living and to drive him to business and social activities Training as an orderly or similar work would be helpfui Generous salary pleasant working conditionsand fringe benefits are offered Outstanding op portunity for man with good refer ences who wants long time employment Please write resume re ferences and starting salary required and you will be given prompt inter view Box CY26 Plain Dealer Salary ee Paid gal with modeling experience and or modeling instruc tor to handle personality develop ment instruction program at leading business college WHITING PLACEMENT BUREAU 75 Public Sq 696 5750 LICENSED EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Sales Secretary Salary $450 500 ee Paid Public contact job for gal with typ ing shorthand and ability to run office WHITING PLACEMENT l'nlJ 75 Public Sq 696 5750 IC NS ED EM PLO NT 3 TV ICE TRAINEE SPOT $368 433 Large well known local firm will train to verify info for computers Average typing ond a willingness to learn is all that is required! You con start by mid Moy so call NOW! 333 9500 SNELL ING Westgate 20800 Center Ridge BOOKKEEPER Responsible person needed to handle accounting through trial balance Hand posting with knowledge of pay roll receivables payables and payroll taxes Permanent position Call for appointment MIDWEST BOX CO? WEST 98 AND WALORD AVE 281 3980 BOOKKEEPER Opening this month for experienced' bookkeeper for responsibility of ac counts recetvable includes collections Should be familiar with Burroughs 9700 Pleasant working conditions 40 hour week with hospitalization and Insurance benefits Ad Art Litho 3133 Chester Ave 696 1460 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Immediate opportunity at our Down town location for an experienced A clerk to process invoices for payment Ability to operate a 10 key adding ma chine and some typing required Ex cellent company benefits Please send resume to: PERSONNEL DEPT PO BOX 5309 Cleveland 44101 KAISER COMMUNITY HEALTH OUNDATION An equal opportunity employer ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK I Position requires individual with a steady work background capable of detailed figure work and one who enjoys a busy work day Duties will require skill on the 10 key adding machine plus proficient typing ability SCHAER 00 6545 Carnegie Ave 881 3000 ACCOUNTS'PAYABLE Ooportunlty for mature ambitious woman with accounts payable experi ence typing necessary good starting salary benefits and future with fat I crowing company Coll for appoint ment 439 1830 WAXMAN INDUSTRIES 24455 Aurora Rd Bedford Hts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK 1 yr experience necessary Good start ing salary excellent frtnqe benefits and opportunity for growth MR GASKET CO 4566 Spring Rd Brooklyn Hts 398 8300 An equal opportunity employer REPAIRS and Installation by Cleve land Electric Illuminating Co Ap proved house power contractor finance on electric bill Low winter rates in effect 321 8595 INDUSTRY Violations corrected repairs new work or rewire Low financin' Member House Power Contractor RE SURVEY 932 2707 USE Boxes base plugs repair lob violations corrected ESTIMATES I NANCE THROUGH ELECTRIC BILL Licensed Reasonable 391 5868 USE Boxes base plugs' switches lights wiring repair Jobs In home Small appliances SK 1 1908 i Uuu uvAto ituUir fcwifc LCI SPECIAL ADAMS ASPHALT inanci: censed 371 1039 i Resurface asphalt over broken con rennirswir MW Bonded BEAUTIC1ANS 3 exb hair stylists ull time Salary and commission West Park area 252M544 BEAUTICIAN High Stylist Part time Lil's Beautv Salon 4805 Clark 961 3042 or 243 2754 BEAUTICIAN 7 Exo Parma area VIP hairstyling Call 843 9399 BEAUTICIAN experienced stylist for select cllental 5 davs no eves Closed on Mon side 761 7042 BEAUTICIAN haircutting styling ues 9797 BEAUTICIAN WITH OLLOWING ROCKY RIVER AREA 333 5107 BEAUTICIAN: Experienced onlv 442 2775 BEAUTICIAN EXP EUCLID LAKE SHORE AREA 732 8866 BEAUTICIAN: Exp part time Brecksville area 526 8083 BEAUTICIANS shampoo girl 4 days' Euclid area 731 2546 BEAUTICIAN PART TIME 662 5744 or 661 6144 A GOOD JOB for MEN AND WOMEN ull or Part Time No Layoffs PAID VACATIONS LIE AND HEALTH INSURANCE Minimum Age 19 Interviews daily 8 AM to 5 Sat till noon YELLOW CAB 1453 Superior CAETERIA HELP DISHROOM (10:30 to 3:30) GENERAL WITH CASHERING (7 2:30) Steady work 5 dav week NO Sun or holidays APPLY IN PERSON to NA SA Cafeteria 21000 Brookpark Rd In terview hours 9 10:30 or 1:30 3 MONDAY NO CALLS CAMERA MAN To run new department Experi enced only Wl not train) Litho and engineering reproduction back ground necessary Leadership quali ties desired Immediate all replys confidential ACADEMY BLUE PRINTING CO BEACHWOOD OHIO 464 0100 CARPENTER Experienced In all phqses of carpen try Must have own tools ond transpor tation Good starting salary and benefits Call Mr Williams at Bell Re pairServlce 431 6700 CASHIER PART TIME 11:30 TO 4 PM Permanent Over 18 Meals and uni forms furnished ringe benefits Good starting salary Apply In person KENNY KING'S RESTAURANT 19215 HILLIARD RD CASHIER Lr Part time must be experienced! Apply in person 1325 Hayden Ave East Cleveland CARPENTERS experienced steady work Wheeling property McCaullev Estates Wheelrng West Virginia Call 304 242 8050 CASHIER HOSTESS Must be able to work weekends ull time position available Apply in per son SHERATON INN HOPKINS (on the Airport Grounds) CASHIER HOSTESS OVER 21 CASA DiBARON RESTAURANT 6845 WEST 1 30 845 3666 CASHIER Over 21 full or part time Apply fn person ox Drug Golden Gate Shon plng Center CHE Hou ao PaiH vMual with degree in accounting blus 3 ice raiu i years experience A' 1 ne aggressive nr i kL i nA 4 tz 1 uai whii kuvu ivyniat vuuuicu rllll 1 "Ul ui tnuic ri: I aggressiveness can be promoted to media buyer in 6 mos or less WHITING PLACEMENT BUREAU 75 Public Sq 696 5750 LICENSED EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Urgently Needed HOUSEKEEPERS Excellent Salary Live In Live Top Salary Excellent Accommodations SAR LOUIS 405 Hippodrome Bldg Employment Men and Women (PRIVATE LICENSED) (Continued rom ececmg CAREER GIRLS 27691 EUCLID AVE Professional Employment Service Modeling Teacher THE PLAIN C7 MONDAY MAY 8 1 972 CLASSIIED INDEX OR SALE 341 6698 WILL man involved in car accident on Monday May 1st at 6:20 am on Ayg Please call 751 6517 NEED a car? Have credit problems? inance man available Call Mr Biddle Miller Pontiac 731 7300 WANTED: Old comic books political buttons bodges bottles cards war items Anything old 883 2912 har'styling for men Long short styles Ed's Bcrbershoo IHIWAUIJUW LAWUUU We Pack Crawlers for1 WANTED: Set of books for Associat out of town trios Bedford Gun Dr0es' Tackle 232 1864 sional ruck dnvers 96 709 COMPLETE MASSAGE 'THERAPY' classes in meditation now separate facilities for men and women oJej SPi or information iicenseay am pm atrooivu DIAL A MIRACLE PHONE 623 U11 MH CMAPrr if I foil tn rnnnir your home 17 yrs exp west 941 8497 Chimneys CHIMNEYS s'cs brick reuair foun dations our soecioltv 888 0210 ilois seqcoat HA 451 5616 MAN WANTS COMPANION TOSDCrt $35Sfacks 51288 TRAVEL TO ARIZONA LAS VEGAS WANT to buy old wind up Dhono AND RETURN 442 3213 6 8 PM graphs penny arcade machines old POLISH AND RUSSIAN STAMPS 1 oruars' CASH OR URNITURE APPLI ANCES ANTIQUES 441 0070 INANCIAL Mortgage Bought Sold Personal Loans (Banks) Real iEstate Leant NOTICES Death Notices 11 uneral Directors 11 In Memorlam 11 Lodge Netlces 11 Lost ond Rewords II OR RENT Commercial Property or Rent Out of Town Homes for Aaed Convalescent Nursing 17 Houses for Rent (East) 17 Houses for Rent (West) 17 Office Soace 17 Rent arms Want to Rent 17 Rent Aoartments (East) 16 Rent Aoartments (West) 16 17 en urnisnea Aoartments (East) Rent urnished Aoartments (West) urniture Rentals Rent urnished Houses (East) Rent urnished Houses (West) Rent Housekeoolng (East) Rent HousekeeoTg (West) Rent Rooms Board (East) Rent Rooms Board (West) Rent Suburban Property Rent Summer Cottages Share Houses BURNERS Experienced electric eve Steady day shift overtime hospitalization life insurance paid Profe sharng unor shop ALLAN UNITED STEEL 26400 Richmond Rd Bedford Heights BUSBOY Davs Meals and uniforms Over 18 Appiv In person to Mr Gog or Mrs Walsh 1 4 pm ZAPPONE'S 13 COLONY HOLIDAY INN 16501 Brookpark Rd CAB DRIVING Public Relations Secretary Itnoir executive staff You will have a CaHru GM rQa $4 'variety of duties working for this busY hee ral(l executive ana oetng invqivea in execu worn in pUDIIC regions aeparimenr AP IMT4MTA 6 five decisions or an Interview call trrr i 'LiH A Mr Walker 261 8100 0l 3 1 aClt'S ng firm: Snnrv Good secretarial skills no8ded ISUPV exr in accounts receivable I REAL ESTATE South Euclid Lyndhurst Rich mond Heights Highland Heights Mayfield Mayfield Heights Pepper Pike Oranae Moreland Hill fhnflrin Eftile Huntings Valiev Gates Mills 18 Suburban Property East North east 18 Sale arms and Acreage 18 Sale Lots Residential 19 Sties Industrial and Commer cial 18 Wanted Real Estate 19 Hauling Delivery GOODWIN'S Rujjb'Sii and light haul ina Will haul anything in Canton va cinty Needs work Call Canton 455 9766 HAULING furniture moving garages repaired or wrecked clean basem*nt etc Low rate 883 2231 HAULING clean attics etc base ments Big Dumptruck wreck garages 561 0828 BANQUET SERVICE Seeking responsible male adult for full time year round employment Apply in person Hospitality Motor Inn West 1 71 at Bagley Rd Middleburg Heights BARBER STYLIST: Male or female schooled and experienced Good od oortunltv East 729 92OJ BARBER 20541 Southgate Park Blvd Southgate Shopping Center BARBER elderly man Twinsburg CalLafter6 Dm 425 4740 BARBER wanted 14318 Kinsman Rd 8886 BARBER Afternoons and Saturdays 267 8737 OR 843 6978 BARMAID ull time nights neat attractive APPLY IN PERSON MARK IX RESTAURANT 9080 MENTOR AVE MENTOR BARMAID YOUNG AND ATTRACTIVE RIENDLY SURROUNDINGS 432 3188 BARMAID nights full time or part time Apply in person after 6 pm Ridge Inn 4935 Ridge Rd 1 BARMAIDS Waltress: Attractive 21 35 part time evenings apply in per son Archwood Cafe 3721 ulton Rd BARMAID: 21 or over davs or nights too salary and tips 391 5320 or apply In person Malibu Lounge BARMAID days 10 3 attractive 25 35 no eP necessary Hillbilly cllentel Eastlake 942 9592 BARMAID and co*cktail waitress exp for plush lounge bar Top pay 641 9545 BARMAID: ull or part time davs I or nlohts Southland area 237 9968 BARMAID DAYS OR NIGHTS 961 7373 BRAZING MAN WITH EXP OR JOB SHOP ULL OR PART TIME 85H6556 BROILER MAN To handle fast high volume kitchen Apply In person only to Mr Lum SHERATON INN HOPKINS (on the Airport Grounds) BROKERS WANTED or tractors and trailers 781 5998 621 0280 BROKERS Owner operator of Ecnno hne van or small truck ull time Box CJ251 Plain Dealer BROWN SHARP Automatic screw machine exp setup and operate overtime ENCORE MG 4310 Carnegie COTTON 5545 Wilson Mills 461 3660 TECHNICAL EE PAID $10 $20000 ME Trainees (3) $8400 11000 1 ME or Civil some exp $11000 Jr Plant Promect $9 11000 ROLL orm Design $10 13000 Desian Steel Eauio $11 13000 TUBE MILL $14 $16000 OC Mgr Metals $12 $14000 CHEM PROCESS $12 $13000 Draftsman mach'y $750 5850 Mach Design $11000 Design Equipment 59 51 2000 1 Roll orm $15 $18OOO OREMAN Train fabricating $700 OREMAN degree $8 950 MB's IEs EE $12 15000 ELECTRONIC TECH circuit board I West Side $550 700 BIP'ER METALS $90A' ACCTS Rec Mar $1200" TAX ACCT some low $15 18000 BUYER castincs etc $9 TRAINEES $450 $820 or Mets OREMAN Trainee Design Trainee Meeh $500 $700 ENGRG Trainee ME or civil Dlant I engrq Some exp $850 $900( TtCH MGMT Engrg or ind tech or AUTOMATIC NATIONAL ACME Set up and operate 1st and 2d shift Experienced only good wage plus overtime 481 4200 AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION Rebuilder and installer Must have own tools Johnny'sAutomaticTrans njLss 626 152d851 7333 AUTOMATIC OPERATOR 8 iob shop experience Must know set up ull or part time 29110 Anderson Rd Wickliffe Ohio585 1234 AUTOMATIC Brown Sharpe Setup nnrl OnArntA Pull fir nnrt timA drive ilnlC rr Dn i'll ft41C IV V'O CAM I VW Painting Paperhanging Cleaning 'auto JUDY sito foreman Modern shop well equipped with plenty of work We are looking for an individual who is capable of get ting along with people This is a permanent job for the right man Salary fringe benefits bonus etc Box CW67 Plain Dealer AUTO BODY MAN Due to an increase In business we are looking for an exp combination body man plenty of work All union bene fits See Bill Mancini EDER PONTIAC 3582 Lee Rd Shaker Hts Ohio AUTO BODY REPAIRMAN Combination Metal and Paint UNION SHOP WORK Call or sec John Polick 941 4425 BOB KULMAN OLDS INC AUTO BODY MAN WANTED Exp must have own hand tools Ex cellent working conditions Phone 462 1945 AUTO BODY REPAIRMAN Combination man Minimum 5 vrs exp colllssion Bender Lincoln Mercury Medina Cleveland phone238 7329 Call orLsee Larrv AUTO BODY MAN: Combination min imum 5 years experience Union Shop 50 50 Basis All benefits Call Tom Lan dreth for appointment Len Derin Dodge 26100 Lorain 777 6000 AUTO BODY MAN EXPERIENCED STEADY WORK WESTSIDE 961 6600 AUTO badv man experienced only excellent salary and fringe benefits Apply in person 17306 Miles Ave AUTO Bookkeener experienced full or part time southeast location 232 0800 for on appointment Auto Brake and ront End Man West Side must be experienced with I tools high hourly rate with bonus or aopointment call Ed at 671 8400 AUTO RAME MAN 13608 SjClairAve AUTO SERVICE MANAGER Very large new car service garage Must be skilled executive type and used to large volume $18000 to $20000 per year salary and com mission Employers know of this ad To replace retiring service manager Reply to BOX CW72 PLAIN DEALER AUTO MECHANIC Due to increased volume we have an opening for an experienced man guarantee and many benefits PARADISE PONTIAC 25870 Lorain 777 9400 MECHANIC Experienced must know tune up brakes etc and have own tools Davs ijjj ocod 31 EL Plastic roofing! GENERAL TIRE CO 21512 CENTER RIDGE RD an equal opportunity employer AUTO MECHANIC experience preferred guarantee flat rate Many benefits Ask for Schneider LEIKIN OLDS 38750 Mentor Willoughby 942 7400 AUTO Mechanic exp all around man Must have own tools and local refer ences Arplv in person Airway Sohio 117th Bellalre Rd AUTO mechanic Immediate opening Some knowledge of air conditioning and radiator work High hourly rate References 641 0439 AUTO Mechanic mature only with foreign car exp overtime Paid over time and fringe benefits Small shop 331 1192 AUTO mechanic full time flat rate 12144 Triskett AUTO Parts Cutter and Dismantler for auto wrecking vard Rxorrtenced Denison Auto Parts 4500 130 AUTO TITLE Cl ERK Wanted Experienced Title Clerk bv West side GM dealer Excellent sala ry ond fringe benefits Call Mr Hen nings 941 5000 Mon thru ri from 9 am to 5 pm LAKE BUICK 941 5000 ui vii unu nave own too is uavs Call Rick Knecht for appointment Accounts renewable through trial bql i i uh a Cl 'LMLc I I I I I I manufacturing firm located in south ern suburb Must have own transporta tion Prefer female applicants Send short resume of experience and earn ings for your aopointment Box CB186 Plain Dealer b6okkeeperoffice COORDINATOR Excellent opportunity for qualified person experienced In full charge bookkeeping through trial balance and supervision Salary commensurate with abjlity VILLA REALTY CO 14246 Euclid Ave 851 4400 Mrs Williamson BOOKKEEPER executive secretary (female) Thoroughly experienced Must have supervisory experience Speedwriting or shorthand necessary Excellent corresoondence abilities Beachwood corporate office of small company Starting salary S800 month plus benefits Box CW210 Plain Dealer BOOKKEEPER 1 glrl office accounts payable ond receivable thru trial balance Tvo ing ederal state and oavroll tax reports East Side location 439 2727 BOOKKEEPER exp in payroll re ceivables payables through trial bal ance and statements oavroll and tax reports billing 1 glrj office responsi ble Cal 1749 0020 BOOKKEEPER KEYPUNCH OPERATOR IBM Model 5496 Beachwood area CALL 464 2313 Personnel Inc Rm' 340 Westnnte Pinza Ba Center Ridge Rd behind Sheraton Miss Lee 333 1344 "PLACING PEOPLE IN AND AROUND WESTGATE SINCE 1963" i Westgate Secretary $475 500 Westgate Sales Ass't $425 445 Westlake Bkkpr $5 600 Town Exec Secy $550 600 117 Bkkpr $800 58 Sec'y Engr $500 550 Town Reception Typist $400 Detroit Sec'y Mktg $525 Town Typing Advtg $450 130 Bookkee per $600 Mediasecretary (no Shorthand) Salary $425 500 I I vah is 'T VMM! t3)IVC Gal with good typing coupled far and arrurate Kn Lfl'rrtt'itmnM' mu ha nmmMA4 10d9e Of ncniCi Ga llons ana iax work essential Excellent salary and benefits Call for Interview 4103 DETROIT AVE 281 1416 Account ''nt Bo'ikkeooer Immediate Opening right for experi enced person Well known Southwest area service organlzaion Attractive surroundings in fast pacd officn that Is expanding rapidly Call Tom Girard 238 7781 THINKING ik SAVE replace vour old kitchen cabi nets I II cover them In beautiful wood roin formkn 449 0742 YOUR TO or ROM Anv Part of USA LCC License Insured Bonded 845 4040 INSURED DRIVEAWAY SYSTEM On and after this date I will not be responsible for debts contracted bv anyone other than myself Willie Cum mings 2199 97th St WANTED: Men over 21 to loin auxilia ry police force to curb crime in the Miles area from 131 to 144 Con tact Mrs Harris 751 6331 COW manure truck loads or bushel iAiivi! sueijoi ers 281 8718 1375 6 241 4536 Eirr LI tz 31 kxuuiliy UUUUIV Mill JUH5 SO42 met degree supervision $750 $825 AAGM TRAINEE GRAD $8200 CHEM TECH 1 2 Yrs college $550 Metals stait inside then out Inside Sales telephone work oricin' etc S60n iSqles Trainee $5505750 WESTGATE 22 Employment Men and Women (PRIVATE LICENSED) EXECUTIVE SECRETARY $625 $675 SALARY EE PAID Suburban location "Blue com nony needs an individual to add to voe A Negative 5315314 944 3389 944 5036 WANTED: POSTCARDS BADGES ME PALS ETC 475 3632 AUTO Monthv payments Merits rated Hospitalization 486 WORK SOLD CHEAP 1967 79 795 2999 Wnk nn cjsrvlrp 761 7419 BOOKKEEPING PAYROLL TAXES TYPEWRITER adding machine re pair your home also rentals 486 9357 npiro 88 M49 5 or 22S 2555 GAMBLING Probiecns? We can iHELP! Gamblers Anonymous i 7 i I )zfl ANV I'nkrhrrin I 1 I I I I Ifu i IV1 1 IL I I I VC '1 1 1 tu I 1 1 1 1 zh I 1 1 ft rt Ar 1001 "REE HORSE MANURE Df or PhOne IV 64100 237 399 WANTED scrap innertubes cents MOTHER of God! Please hear mv a pound Mehr Metals Jamestown i Pa WANTED W0 Used Pianos anv kind OPEN heart surgery blood donors pr any fonaHiun euii WEtowiunk autos trucks ree tow ing West Side only 2818021 ADULTS ONLY: LE'ARN TO DANCE $45 COURSE $950 941 8982 BESTLINE PRODUCTS 75 PCT 333 5324 1 1 Vvwwwuo iii wvw nio vnnr rit iwb uz i i rirai i rv rxr ftn 1 WK ftil ZZil' WMICrtOCUO 9ZU UH i MM 6 nwri on ns rppnpiiverv tji jjmz US PROO 'SETS AND RPpH 22b3094 VR DOLLARS V46 344J 1 Ktt MUKit Manure YOU nuui 'ww' U3V Somcrest Stables 461 5394: no CHARGE it I fail 'o repair TV in ALTERATIONS my home will pick1 vour home 17 yr exp Vest 941 8497 lift ASI9A17 AS1HS7J I ivtr i jcuuiuit iulhiiicj CARPET TCDG TS OHd in? AUTO Insurance reduced rate singleVomen licensed 331 6007 11 om8pmSPi new carpeting 961 3733 IIIUIU UWC 17 IU 47 LUU yJJ vVIJ 'J CLOSE outs wanted or mail order 361 3156 M25O ANY color oaint Renoirs extra CIS Auto Body 44b6244 PRAYER 842 8070 CHRIST IS THE ANSWER DIAL AND LISTEN 382 7474 DISTRESSED BY PREGNANCY? CALL BIRTHRIGHT 228 5998 COUPLE will share expenses fo Los AngH or points West 587 3873 salary East Coll 361 9320 from 8 am 4 pm BAR Maid No exp necessary Nlahfs 921 9877 after 7 pm BARMAID NIGHTS 12524 LORAI AVE SASMIE' WIL1 TRAIN ST CLAIR AREA 249 4707 BARMAID nights 21 30 Piccadilly Lounge 8416 Lorain 749 5239 part time eves North Olmsted THE COTTAGE 7)7 9841 BARMAID high calibre high wages Comet3245 25 Apply in person BARMAID experienced only westside only Call 226 9791 BARMAID exp East Side excellent salary Call 795 1202 BARMAID downtown supper club call 62H5321 BAR Maid exo must have transpor tatlon Garfield jHts 64H9684 BAR Maid East Side call from 12 to 4:30 pm 271 3533 BARMAID over 21 part time Dottie's Place 2619 Noble after 1 pm BARMAID Days cook days Exp agan's In the lats 771 9400 PAINTING done With cate and consid eration Roofing and qutters Also light hauling 20 years experience Mr Wil liams 451 0993 Painting in out paoering sani tas patch plaster 283 0892 Ext interior nice work auaranteedreasonable exp 221 6417 WINDOWS scraped caulked puttied painted S3 a window 631 8043 SPRING SPECIAL thru April 30 In out free estimates 221 5030 exterior free estimates low low price 232 9147 Plastering CALL DONE TOMORROW 10 10 CEILING $80 PATCHING ARCHES 281 7419 CEILING sidewalls patches $10 uo Guaranteed 752 2052 9912027 PLASTERING $10 patch paint paper sanitas ree estimates79V4725 PLASTERING REPAIR ClEA WORK PROMPT 2678975 Sewer Cleaning WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER BAD YOU NEED HIM GOOD CORNELL PLUMBING 761 4747 ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANING BAsem*nT WATERPROOED Work guaranteed Established 1886 Call anytime 221 6666 15 Personals Business Notices EVERY SAT AND SUN SELLERS You Con Make A Barrel Of Money BUYERS You'll ind Bargains Galore Visit The Swap lea Atarket 50s PER C'R DRIVE IN THEATRE BETWN nLLAIPE nnri TIDMAN PD Every Sat Sun 8 am to 5 pm $100 SH CALL I YOU KNOW ANYONi who MOY war i ni uaaini aa INA KITCHN AD RATHROHAA TELEPHONE SOLICITORS CANVAS SERS CLOSERS YOUR CALLS HELD IN CONIDENCE 381 9570 ARE YOU ENVIOUS Of people who know how to fly? We will teoch you for $16000 In new Cess na airplanes REEDOM IELD AIRPORT Rt 18 one mile east of 1 71 Cleveland 861 7345 LORIDA EXPRESS CALI Local All Points East or South COMPARE OUR RATES LOWEST RATES Ohio Movers Storaae Agents for oqariv Bros COME to Beechwood Little Theatre awerd co*cktail party At Mo Jr's at 8:30 to 1 on Sat June 'd Doncirq Joy Perry Orchestra Call Mickl 464 9597 for reservations and further Information Don't miss the fun of a gala eve BARBERSHOP QUARTET timing current international champs "Gentlemen's Agreement" May 12 Elvrlo High School May 13 inncv Chaoel Oberlin 8 pm all seats re served Elyria 3226562 Blood Plasma Donors Wanted 1 EE PAID HRS 8 AM 3 PM DAILY CLEVELAND BLOOD PLASMA 9107 EU I AVE rtT NEW PERMANENT EYE LASHES Personllzed itting by Experts We make lovely and des'rabie CoU Andre Duval Salon near vou en tlon ad ge tjr ee a oti UTURA Swimming Pools (above! ground redwood) Will furnish chemi cals part repairs nnd sales Immell Construction Co 4 Wooster Oi 216 264 6363 Travel ree AUTO DRIVEAWAY CO 3523879 Davs 884 0658 Eve WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR Hiohest prices paid for Chcvellcs Mai ibus Novas Camaras and Im qias PARKER REYNOLDS CHEVROLET 26890 Lorain 777 52001 REE JEWELRY APPRAISAL We bUY or loan on diamonds Jewelry SOL BERGMAN LOAN CORP 401 PROSPECT 621 4350 WANTED OUR Cleveland Browns season tickets On home side box or upper deck Will pay premium price Box CR134 Plain Dealer UNDS AVAILABLE PRIVATELY ARRANGED OR BUSI NESS CONSTRUCTION AND REAL STATE ONLY 292 395 1 NEEDY man with family would like to borrow $r000 Will oav back in monthly installments anv interest rate31 01p4 DON KRAMER PRIVATE STUDIO BALL rqom es call 835 1 129 Brina 'this AD for free lesson NEW LOCATION SOON BLOOD D'NriR' $10 PAID CLEVELAND BIOLOGICALS 621 5477 MEN'S CLOTHING WAREHOUSE SALE 37600 INDUSIRH' I KWY WILLOUGHBY 942 7845 walks basem*nts 791 7278 (MOVING EXP RELIABLE IN ASPHALT concrete drives narking SURED $15 HR 361 0167 asphalt drives PARKING lot' Garage Doors REPAIRS 391 1204 432 3085 I I Basem*nt Repairs winter prices: Ove head garage doors change swing RAMrNT WATRPRIWD doors extensions remodeled garages DHOLVlcni VVHICKriWUrLU lour specialty ree estimates guaran Only time proven method of correcting teed bonded 6620400 un luusub i uaseawnT leoKage GUARANI EED WORK SINCE 1886 Cail anv time 221 4444 Carpentry Remodeling Re pairs REMODELING kitchens baths attic basem*nts room additions roofs Alu minum siding gutters wall ceiling floortile 842 9050 General Construc tion Complete remodeling ree Esti 4 (j uuurunreea ft At Coll 9 to 5 pm 681 2020 i railing plaster patches roof leaks? UnOieum Tile OUALI'Y remodeling attic baths 'Goraqe doors 449 0385 Tom i 7casornab? 0R Carpentry brickwork plaster I LINOLEUM installed reasonably Ce 5 paint haul call Bill 226 7195 ramie wall and Hoar CALL for free KNITY BATH (co ored) completely GENERAL House renairs nnd nnintJ cshmate Tl 252 5550 QUALITY LOOR and Wall Mechan ics on immediate call 431 5431 after 6 and Sun TE 1 8630 LINOLEUM AND Master Charge honored 932 2030 mi rx i ill rxtujvi iWvIC MlvIllIJi PORCHES GARAGES ROOS RE 1 HAUL RuBBiShl CLEAN GARAGES No iob too too big WA 1 5633 PAI pc 1 irCMCf 701 Oft rr 1AOC 4Z a KK Wk I fcv UJ rxLr VMfKMVCO on 1 QJJO CARPENTRY doors roofs porch MOVING HAULING LOW RATE steps panel etc Call Bill 795 8114 281 4762 252 9764 QUALITY carpentry all types Moving 24 hr service IN Deal direct Call Bob 486 2671 SURED LOW RATE 431 9600 RbMUOtLlNG all type free estimate 888 3067 267 6187 741 0271 REMODEL additions siding roofing remodeling 777 4633 265 3016 A CARPENTER remodel repair low rate east call Steve 2837448 Carpets Cleaned Repaired Installed CARPETS cleaned iYy5 soiRetarded walls 587 3540 CARPETS INSTALLED REPAIRED" OLD AND NEW EXPERT WORK 341 5104 232 7561 DRY foam quick dry cleaning 20 Pct off soil retard Stark 521 4705 vtt 0vi rciura oiurK iMASSAGE seaarate facilities menlrARPT nnd licensed 131 AOfil 11 am nm Lh 15 lyPPJL5 SW9 CASH AVAILABLE Poor Credit no obstacle 781 4194 I LONELY? Scared? South Central Hotline 524 4450 nightlv9 pm 3orn ADULTS ONLY: LEARN TO $45 COU RSE OR $9Jp 941 8982 SALE oreign coin collection 1300 pieces Best offer 941 7383 TOPSOIL Humus Peat Moss and Hu mus nnlxturejyerv 900d234 2339 MEN'S 24 hour bath Sauna 1293 9 (by men) 241 9509 BLUE Norway and Whit Spruce $3 und up dig yourself 942 J892.

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About The Plain Dealer Archive

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


What happened to the Cleveland Plain dealer in 2013? ›

2013 cuts. In December 2012, members of the Newspaper Guild reported that The Plain Dealer management had told them that, after the January 2013 expiration of a no-layoff provision in the union's contract, it planned to eliminate about one-third of the newspaper's staff and cut 58 of 168 union positions.

Where is the Cleveland Plain Dealer located? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

The building, which was completed in 2001, was bought by the current owners - Mayfield Heights-based Industrial Commercial Properties LLC - in May 2022.

What is the history of the Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The Cleveland Plain Dealer was founded as a weekly newspaper on January 7, 1842 by Joseph Gray. By 1845 it had transitioned to an evening daily. Joseph Gray died in 1862, and his paper was controlled by a series of editors until Liberty Holden purchased the paper in 1885.

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

How much is a Sunday Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

How often does The Plain Dealer come out? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays. These times apply to most counties. In outlying areas, times may vary. 3.

Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

Once you login, that day's edition of The Plain Dealer will begin to load. After several seconds, you can begin reading as the remainder of the newspaper is downloading. Once the download is complete, you can read the entire newspaper, even offline and on the go!

Is The Plain Dealer building empty? ›

The building has largely sat vacant since the Plain Dealer sold it for $12.4 million in 2022. Brad Harmon, president and publisher for The Plain Dealer and called the planned use of the building “a perfect fit.”

What happened to the Cleveland press? ›

Citing the depressed economy and consequent losses in advertising, however, Cole announced the paper's closing on 17 June 1982, and the final edition appeared that afternoon. The former Press plant was demolished to make room for the North Point office complex. View image at Cleveland Memory.

Why did Cleveland decline? ›

Why has Cleveland Ohio declined so much? Many whites and middle class people continue to leave city life for suburban life. Even some of the closest suburbs such as East Cleveland are being brought down too. Much of the decline of Cleveland has to do with the deindustrialization of the city.

Who was Thomas Vail Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

Vail (b. 1926), assumed personal direction of the Plain Dealer in 1963 as publisher and editor at the age of 36. Vail revitalized the Plain Dealer by hiring young reporters and supported more Democrats, giving the paper a vigorous non-partisan stance.


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.